
DSL object for per-variant CMake and ndk-build configurations.



Encapsulates per-variant CMake configurations, such as compiler flags and toolchain arguments. To enable external native builds and set the path to your CMakeLists.txt script, use CmakeOptions.


Encapsulates per-variant ndk-build configurations, such as compiler flags and toolchain arguments. To enable external native builds and set the path to your Android.mk script, use NdkBuildOptions.


No methods

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

Encapsulates per-variant CMake configurations, such as compiler flags and toolchain arguments. To enable external native builds and set the path to your CMakeLists.txt script, use CmakeOptions.

Encapsulates per-variant ndk-build configurations, such as compiler flags and toolchain arguments. To enable external native builds and set the path to your Android.mk script, use NdkBuildOptions.