AbstractInjectorGrapher |
Abstract injector grapher that builds the dependency graph but doesn't render it.
AbstractInjectorGrapher.GrapherParameters |
Parameters used to override default settings of the grapher.
Alias |
Alias between two nodes.
BindingEdge |
Edge that connects an interface to the type or instance that is bound to implement it.
DefaultRootKeySetCreator |
Root key set creator that starts with all types that are not Guice internal types or the Logger type.
DependencyEdge |
Edge from a class or InjectionPoint to the interface node that will satisfy the
Edge |
Edge in a guice dependency graph.
ImplementationNode |
InstanceNode |
Node for instances.
InterfaceNode |
Node for an interface type that has been bound to an implementation class or instance.
Node |
Node in a guice dependency graph.
NodeId |
ID of a node in the graph.
ShortNameFactory |
TransitiveDependencyVisitor |