001    package com.google.gwtmockito.fakes;
003    import com.google.gwtmockito.GwtMockito;
005    /**
006     * Interface implemented by an object capable of providing fake instances of a
007     * given type. Instances of this interface must be registered via
008     * {@link GwtMockito#useProviderForType}.
009     *
010     * @param <T> type that this interface can provide
011     * @author ekuefler@google.com (Erik Kuefler)
012     */
013    public interface FakeProvider<T> {
014      /**
015       * Returns a fake implementation of the given type.
016       *
017       * @param type the actual type passed to GWT.create. Usually this is the same
018       *             as T, but it could be a subtype or a completely unrelated type
019       *             depending on how {@link GwtMockito#useProviderForType} was
020       *             called.
021       */
022      T getFake(Class<?> type);
023    }