LiquidFun Build and Run Instructions
Building for OS X

You can use cmake to generate an Xcode project for LiquidFun's Testbed and Unittests on OS X.

Alternatively, you can download a pre-generated Xcode project from the release page. The Xcode project is free of host-specific dependencies.

Version Requirements

These are the minimum required versions for building LiquidFun on OS X:

  • OS X: Mavericks 10.9.1.
  • Xcode: 5.0.1
  • Xquartz: 2.7.5 (xorg-server 1.14.4)
  • cmake (when building from source)

Before Building

  • Install Xquartz to run LiquidFun sample applications. The Testbed uses freeglut, which requires Xquartz.
  • Reboot your machine. Rebooting sets the DISPLAY environment variable for Xquartz, which enables sample applications to run correctly.

Creating the Xcode project using cmake

When working directly with the source, you can generate the Xcode project using cmake. cmake version or above is required to build this project on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). For example, the following generates the Xcode project in the liquidfun/Box2D directory.

cd liquidfun/Box2D
cmake -G "Xcode"

Building with Xcode

  • Double-click on liquidfun/Box2D/Box2D.xcodeproj to open the project in Xcode.
  • Select "Product-->Build" from the menu.

Executing a Sample

  • Select a sample Scheme, for example "Testbed-->My Mac 64-bit", from the combo box to the right of the "Run" button.
  • Click the "Run" button.

Running Unit Tests

Developers modifying the LiquidFun library can verify that it is still working correctly by executing the provided unit tests.

Use the script to execute unit tests:
