LiquidFun Build and Run Instructions
Porting from Box2D

LiquidFun extends Erin Catto's popular Box2D physics engine. If your project already uses Box2D, LiquidFun should be a simple drop-in replacement for you.

Drop-in LiquidFun Code

To port from Box2D to LiquidFun, simply replace your Box2D directory with liquidfun/Box2D/Box2D. Your code should compile and run as it did under Box2D, and you will have access to LiquidFun's particle simulation API.

LiquidFun is based off of a specific version of Box2D. If your version of Box2D is different from LiquidFun's you may have to adjust your code to match API differences.

Please see the Release Notes to find the version of Box2D that LiquidFun is based on.

Specify particleIterations

LiquidFun adds a particleIterations parameter to b2World::Step. If you don't specify particleIterations, we calculate a default value based on the physical constants in your b2ParticleSystems.

However, the number of particleIterations affects performance and stability significantly. You should experiment with the number of iterations to find a suitable balance for your situation.

Start using b2ParticleSystem

b2ParticleSystems are created with b2World::CreateParticleSystem, the same way b2Bodys are created with b2World::CreateBody.

For details, please see Particle Module in the Programmer's Guide