Class RtpAc3Reader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class RtpAc3Reader
    extends Object
    implements RtpPayloadReader
    Deprecated. is deprecated. Please migrate to androidx.media3 (which contains the same ExoPlayer code). See the migration guide for more details, including a script to help with the migration.
    Parses an AC3 byte stream carried on RTP packets, and extracts AC3 frames.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RtpAc3Reader

        public RtpAc3Reader​(RtpPayloadFormat payloadFormat)
    • Method Detail

      • createTracks

        public void createTracks​(ExtractorOutput extractorOutput,
                                 int trackId)
        Description copied from interface: RtpPayloadReader
        Initializes the reader by providing its output and track id.
        Specified by:
        createTracks in interface RtpPayloadReader
        extractorOutput - The ExtractorOutput instance that receives the extracted data.
        trackId - The track identifier to set on the format.
      • onReceivingFirstPacket

        public void onReceivingFirstPacket​(long timestamp,
                                           int sequenceNumber)
        Description copied from interface: RtpPayloadReader
        This method should be called on reading the first packet in a stream of incoming packets.
        Specified by:
        onReceivingFirstPacket in interface RtpPayloadReader
        timestamp - The timestamp associated with the first received RTP packet. This number has no unit, the duration conveyed by it depends on the frequency of the media that the RTP packet is carrying.
        sequenceNumber - The sequence associated with the first received RTP packet.
      • consume

        public void consume​(ParsableByteArray data,
                            long timestamp,
                            int sequenceNumber,
                            boolean rtpMarker)
        Description copied from interface: RtpPayloadReader
        Consumes the payload from the an RTP packet.
        Specified by:
        consume in interface RtpPayloadReader
        data - The RTP payload to consume.
        timestamp - The timestamp of the RTP packet that transmitted the data. This number has no unit, the duration conveyed by it depends on the frequency of the media that the RTP packet is carrying.
        sequenceNumber - The sequence number of the RTP packet.
        rtpMarker - The marker bit of the RTP packet. The interpretation of this bit is specific to each payload format.
      • seek

        public void seek​(long nextRtpTimestamp,
                         long timeUs)
        Description copied from interface: RtpPayloadReader
        Seeks the reader.

        This method must only be invoked after the PLAY request for seeking is acknowledged by the RTSP server.

        Specified by:
        seek in interface RtpPayloadReader
        nextRtpTimestamp - The timestamp of the first packet to arrive after seek.
        timeUs - The server acknowledged seek time in microseconds.