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Navigator that drives a ModalBottomSheetState for use of ModalBottomSheetLayouts with the navigation library. Every destination using this Navigator must set a valid Composable by setting it directly on an instantiated Destination or calling androidx.navigation.compose.material.bottomSheet.

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fun NavGraphBuilder.bottomSheet(route: String, arguments: List<NamedNavArgument> = emptyList(), deepLinks: List<NavDeepLink> = emptyList(), content: @Composable ColumnScope.(backstackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit)

Add the content as bottom sheet content to the NavGraphBuilder

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fun ModalBottomSheetLayout(bottomSheetNavigator: BottomSheetNavigator, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, sheetShape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.large, sheetElevation: Dp = ModalBottomSheetDefaults.Elevation, sheetBackgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface, sheetContentColor: Color = contentColorFor(sheetBackgroundColor), scrimColor: Color = ModalBottomSheetDefaults.scrimColor, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Helper function to create a ModalBottomSheetLayout from a BottomSheetNavigator.

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Create and remember a BottomSheetNavigator