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Unit Tests

Naming Conventions

We follow the following naming convention for our test cases:


For example:


Instrumentation Tests

UI Automation Testing

For UI automation, “Page object framework” is used, Below is the structure of framework:


Pages: Here all screens objects ,identifiers and functions are defined

Tests: All tests for all screens are written here

Testdata: Data which is used for testing mentioned here

Setup QA tests:


  1. To launch App and its activity create file under tests folder(Right click pages->New -> Kotlin class/File(BaseTest):

    kotlin open class BaseTest { @get:Rule val activityRule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity> = ActivityScenarioRule( }

Write testcase:

  1. Right click pages->New -> Kotlin class/File(AddPatientPage.kt)
  2. On newly created file, objects ,identifiers and functions can be defined
  3. Define object and identifiers as below:

    kotlin private val pageName = "Add Patient" private val addPatientButton =

  4. To write functions:

    ```kotlin fun validate_page() {

    } ```

  5. To write verification of text

    kotlin onView(allOf(withText(R.string.add_patient), withText(pageName))).check(matches(isDisplayed()))

  6. To create Tests page for writing tests same as mentioned in step 1 (AddPatientTest.kt)

  7. To access function from (AddPatientPage.kt), create its object:

    kotlin class AddPatientTest() : BaseTest() { private val addPatientPage: AddPatientPage = AddPatientPage() }

  8. Access function through object:

    kotlin fun shouldBeAbleToValidatePage() { addPatientPage.validate_page() }

  9. To run tests:

precondition: device or emulator should be connected

Right click on test file created in step 6 -> Run 'AddPatientTest'

Screenshot Testing

To write Screenshot Tests:

  1. To Launch Activity:

    ```kotlin @get:Rule var activityTestRule = ActivityTestRule(, false, false)

    val grantPermissionRule: GrantPermissionRule = GrantPermissionRule.grant( android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ) ```

  2. To write functions:

    ```kotlin fun testScreenshotEntireActivity() {

    } ```

  3. Launch activity through "activityrule":

    kotlin val activity = activityTestRule.launchActivity(null))

  4. get view of element:

    kotlin val view = activityTestRule.activity.findViewById<TextView>(

  5. Record view through snapactivity:

    kotlin snapActivity(activity).setName("Registered Patient List").record()

  6. You can set name to the view and record that view:

    kotlin snap(view).setName("sample_view_test").record()

To Run Screenshot Tasks below:

clean<App Variant>Screenshots - Clean last generated screenshot report

pull<App Variant>Screenshots - Pull screenshots from your device

record<App Variant>ScreenshotTest - Installs and runs screenshot tests, then records their output for later verification

run<App Variant>ScreenshotTest - Installs and runs screenshot tests, then generates a report

verify<App Variant>ScreenshotTest - Installs and runs screenshot tests, then verifies their output against previously recorded screenshots

To run through ./gradlew below is the command:

$ ./gradlew runDebugAndroidTestScreenshotTest

To run screenshot test for specific application:

$ ./gradlew Demo:runDebugAndroidTestScreenshotTest

To directory run screenshot test using android studio:

Right click either the test folder or the test file in Android Studio and click 'Run Tests in ...':

Jacoco Test Report

Run locally

To run the task locally:

$./gradlew jacocoTestReport

To run the task locally for a specific module:

$./gradlew :<module>:jacocoTestReport

The Jacoco test coverage report will be in the folder <module>/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport.


We use Ruler to generate reports on the APK size of our demo/catalog app. This allows us to track increases in our SDK's library size.

To generate these reports, run the analyzeReleaseBundle task on the project you are interested in. For example:

./gradlew :demo:analyzeReleaseBundle

The task will print a path to an HTML report, which is human-readable, and a JSON report, which can be used for automation.