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Generate a Care Plan

The $Apply operator applies a given PlanDefinition to a patient. The operator will run through the actions defined in the plan, determine applicability by evaluating the applicability conditions defined for the action and convert the applicable actions into the resulting CarePlan activities.

With a Plan Definition and a Patient

val planDefinitionStr =
     "resourceType": "PlanDefinition",
     "id": "Test-PlanDefinition"

val patientStr =
     "resourceType": "Patient",
     "id": "Test-Patient"

Add the objects to the Engine:

val jsonParser = MyApplication.fhirContext(this).newJsonParser()

MyApplication.fhirEngine(this).apply {
 create(jsonParser.parseResource(planDefinitionStr) as PlanDefinition)
 create(jsonParser.parseResource(patientStr) as Patient)

And call FhirOperator.generateCarePlan with the ID of the PlanDefinition and the patient ID desired. An optional Encounter ID can also be provided.

val carePlan = MyApplication.fhirOperator(this).generateCarePlan(
 planDefinitionId = "Test-PlanDefinition",
 patientId = "Test-Patient"

Example: Generate a CarePlan with a Medication Request

PlanDefinitions include a set of actions. Each action is linked to an ActivityDefinition and the ActivityDefinition can be specified as a MedicationRequest kind. Here's a simple example.

With a Plan Definition, an Activity Definition, and a Patient

val planDefinitionStr =
        "resourceType": "PlanDefinition",
        "id": "MedRequest-Example",
        "title": "This example illustrates a medication request",
        "status": "active",
        "action": [{
          "id": "medication-action-1",
          "title": "Administer Medication 1",
          "definitionCanonical": "http://localhost/ActivityDefinition/MedicationRequest-1"

val activityDefinitionStr =
        "resourceType": "ActivityDefinition",
        "id": "MedicationRequest-1",
        "url": "http://localhost/ActivityDefinition/MedicationRequest-1",
        "status": "active",
        "kind": "MedicationRequest",
        "productCodeableConcept": {
          "text": "Medication 1"

val patientStr =
        "resourceType": "Patient",
        "id": "Patient-Example",
        "active": true,
        "name": [
            "family": "Hadi",
            "given": [
        "gender": "female",
        "birthDate": "1999-01-14"

Add the objects to the Engine:

val jsonParser = MyApplication.fhirContext(this).newJsonParser()

MyApplication.fhirEngine(this).apply {
 create(jsonParser.parseResource(planDefinitionStr) as PlanDefinition)
 create(jsonParser.parseResource(activityDefinitionStr) as ActivityDefinition)
 create(jsonParser.parseResource(patientStr) as Patient)

And call FhirOperator.generateCarePlan with the ID of the PlanDefinition and the patient ID desired.

val carePlan = MyApplication.fhirOperator(this).generateCarePlan(
 planDefinitionId = "MedRequest-Example",
 patientId = "Patient-Example"

The generated CarePlan is:

  "resourceType": "CarePlan",
  "contained": [
      "resourceType": "RequestGroup",
      "id": "1",
      "status": "draft",
      "intent": "proposal",
      "action": [
          "resource": {
            "reference": "#2"
      "resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
      "id": "2",
      "intent": "order",
      "medicationCodeableConcept": {
        "text": "Medication 1"
      "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/Patient-Example"
  "instantiatesCanonical": [
  "status": "draft",
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/Patient-Example"
  "activity": [
      "reference": {
        "reference": "#1"