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Activity Flow

The ActivityFlow class manages the workflow of clinical recommendations according to the FHIR Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) specification. It implements an activity flow as defined in the FHIR CPG IG, allowing you to guide clinical recommendations through various phases (proposal, plan, order, perform).

You can start new workflows with an appropriate request resource from the generated CarePlan or resume existing ones from any phase.

Important Considerations:

  • Thread Safety: The ActivityFlow is not thread-safe. Concurrent changes from multiple threads may lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Blocking Operations: Some methods of ActivityFlow and its associated Phase interface may block the caller thread. Ensure these are called from a worker thread to avoid UI freezes.

Creating an ActivityFlow

Use the appropriate ActivityFlow.of() factory function to create an instance. You can start anew flow with a CPGRequestResource or resume an existing flow from a CPGRequestResource or CPGEventResource based on the current state.


val repository = FhirEngineRepository(FhirContext.forR4Cached(), fhirEngine)
val request = CPGMedicationRequest( medicationRequestGeneratedByCarePlan)
val flow = ActivityFlow.of(repository,  request)

An ActivityFlow progresses through a series of phases, represented by the Phase class. Access the current phase using getCurrentPhase().


 when (val phase = flow.getCurrentPhase( )) {
 is Phase.ProposalPhase -> { /* Handle proposal phase */ }
 is Phase.PlanPhase -> { /* Handle plan phase */ }
  // ... other phases 

Transitioning between the phases

ActivityFlow provides functions to prepare and initiate the next phase:

  • prepare...(): Creates a new request or event for the next phase without persisting changes.
  • initiate...(): Creates a new phase based on the provided request/event and persists changes to the repository.


val preparedPlan = flow.preparePlan().getOrThrow( )
// ... modify preparedPlan
val planPhase = flow.initiatePlan(preparedPlan).getOrThrow( )

Transitioning to Perform Phase

The preparePerform() function requires the event type as a parameter since the perform phase can create different event resources.


val preparedPerformEvent = flow.preparePerform( 
 // ... update preparedPerformEvent 
 val performPhase = flow.initiatePerform( preparedPerformEvent). getOrThrow( )

Updating states in a phase

  • RequestPhase: (ProposalPhase, PlanPhase, OrderPhase) allows updating the request state using update().
  proposalPhase.getRequestResource().apply { setStatus(Status.ACTIVE) }
  • EventPhase: (PerformPhase) allows updating the event state using update() and completing the phase using complete().
  performPhase.getEventResource().apply {  setStatus(EventStatus.COMPLETED) }

API List

Factory functions

  • ActivityFlow.of(...): Various overloads for creating ActivityFlow instances with different resource types. Refer to the code for specific usage.

Phase transition API

  • preparePlan(): Prepares a plan resource.
  • initiatePlan(...): Initiates the plan phase.
  • prepareOrder(): Prepares an order resource.
  • initiateOrder(...): Initiates the order phase.
  • preparePerform(...): Prepares an event resource for the perform phase.
  • initiatePerform(...): Initiates the perform phase.

Other API

  • getCurrentPhase(): Returns the current Phase of the workflow.

Request phase API

  • getRequestResource(): Returns a copy of resource.
  • update(..): Updates the resource.
  • suspend(..): Suspends the phase.
  • resume(..): Resumes the phase.
  • enteredInError(..): Marks the request entered-in-error.
  • reject(..): Rejects the phase.

Event phase API

  • getEventResource(): Returns a copy of resource.
  • update(..): Updates the resource.
  • suspend(..): Suspends the phase.
  • resume(..): Resumes the phase.
  • enteredInError(..): Marks the event entered-in-error.
  • start(..): Starts the event.
  • notDone(..): Marks the event not-done.
  • stop(..): Stop the event.
  • complete(..): Marks the event as complete.

Supported activities

The library currently doesn't implement all of the activities outlined in the activity profiles. New activities may be added as per the requirement from the application developers.

Activity Request Event
Send a message CPGCommunicationRequest CPGCommunication
Order a medication CPGMedicationRequest CPGMedicationDispense

Additional resources