
Extending CLIF with C++ libraries

CLIF has a number of C++ types it already knows, but it can’t cover them all. Normally CLIF is used for wrapping new types by creating a .clif file and running CLIF. However, when the C++ API uses a type that can’t be wrapped normally, the user can teach CLIF how to handle that type by writing a C++ library. This doc explains how to do that.

When CLIF passes data to/from C++ across the language boundary, it does the conversion between C++’s internal storage representation and Python’s internal storage representation. This conversion might be as simple as copying a C++ pointer or as complex as serializing and deserializing a protocol buffer. By writing a C++ library, the author can control how CLIF performs this conversion. However, this requires an understanding of the internal representations of the data in both languages.

Teaching CLIF a new type requires implementing the following:

  1. Conversion function(s) to pass data from Python to C++ (Clif_PyObjAs).
  2. Conversion function(s) to pass data from C++ to Python (Clif_PyObjFrom).
  3. Definition of a CLIF name to refer to the C++ type from .clif files.

CLIF uses ADL to find the conversion function, so those functions should be placed in the namespace where the C++ type we’re teaching CLIF about is located.

The various possible conversions are described below. None of them are required. Rather, you should only write the conversions which make sense for your data type. CLIF will use the presence or absence of certain conversions as an indicator of the type capabilities.

Passing data from Python to C++

Conversions of this type are supplied by writing a function named Clif_PyObjAs, which returns a bool to indicate if an input Python object was successfully passed to C++. When returning false the routine must set a Python exception (eg. with PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, “invalid value for CppType”) call).

You may write one or more of the following overloads, depending on the type of conversions which make sense for your data type. Note that it is your responsibility to increase or decrease the reference count for the provided PyObject to support the behavior described below. This should be done in within the Clif_PyObjAs implementation.

  1. To support copying data from Python to C++, write a function with the signature

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject*, CppType*);

    The second argument points to a default-constructed object which you should fill in with a copy of the data in the PyObject. If you would like to construct the C++ object yourself, use the signature

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject*, std::optional<CppType>*);
  2. To support moving data from Python to C++, write a function with the signature

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject*, std::unique_ptr<CppType>*);

    Your function should ensure the PyObject has no remaining references, so that after the move, the Python object will be invalidated and raise an exception on access attempt.

  3. To support sharing data between Python and C++, write a function with the signature

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject*, std::shared_ptr<CppType>*);

    When implementing this function, you are responsible for ensuring that both Python and C++ access valid memory throughout. If the C++ object you create points to memory owned by the supplied PyObject, then one way to ensure this is to increase the Python reference count when creating the shared_ptr, and create a custom deleter for the shared_ptr which decreases the Python reference count. Here is an example which does just that:

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject* py, std::shared_ptr<CppType>* c) {
      CppType* cpp_type = new CppType;
      // TODO: Set up `cpp_type` to point to the data within `py`.
      // Increase Python ref counter now.
      *c = std::shared_ptr<CppType>(cpp_type, [py](CppType* unused) {
        // Decrease Python ref counter when `cpp_type` is deleted.
        PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure();
      return true;

    Note that due to a CLIF limitation, creating a shared_ptr conversion requires the existence of a unique_ptr conversion as well. You can work around this by defining a deleted unique_ptr conversion, like below:

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject* py, std::unique_ptr<CppType>*) = delete;
  4. To support borrowing data from Python to C++, write a function with the signature

    bool Clif_PyObjAs(PyObject*, CppType**);

    This pointer represents borrowing data from Python, not an ownership transfer. This form gives C++ a raw pointer to the internal representation of the Python object. Be careful as the Python object can disappear, making the pointer invalid.

Passing data from C++ to Python

Conversions of this type are supplied by writing a function named Clif_PyObjFrom, which returns a new PyObject. If the conversion fails, the function should ensure a Python error is set and return nullptr.

You may write one or more of the following forms, depending on the type of conversions which make sense for your data type:

  1. To support copying data from C++ to Python, write a function with the signature

    PyObject* Clif_PyObjFrom(const CppType&, const ::clif::py::PostConv&);
  2. To support moving data from C++ to Python, write a function with the signature

    PyObject* Clif_PyObjFrom(std::unique_ptr<CppType>, const ::clif::py::PostConv&);
  3. To support sharing data between C++ and Python, write a function with the signature

    PyObject* Clif_PyObjFrom(std::shared_ptr<CppType>, const ::clif::py::PostConv&);
  4. To support borrowing data from C++ to Python, write a function with the signature

    PyObject* Clif_PyObjFrom(CppType*, const ::clif::py::PostConv&);

    Warning: This conversion type is extremely dangerous: Python will likely store the pointer, which can easily become dangling as C++ object lifetime is different from Python object lifetime. Better use other conversion types.

Python post-conversion processing

Sometimes a C++ type is not enough to determine which Python type to convert to. For example in Python 3 std::string might be converted to bytes or str. That information is provided in the .clif file and passed along in ::clif::py::PostConv argument. To get its definition #include "clif/python/postconv.h".

Post-conversion processing provides a function pointer to a PyObject* (*)(PyObject*); C function that needs to be called during conversion to the Python type that needs extra processing. However all other converter functions need to play along and pass that information through even if they don’t use it themselves. That is especially true for containers to enable post-conversion processing for contained types. Take a look at clif/python/stltypes.h in the CLIF runtime library and absl::StatusOr examples.

Introducing a CLIF name for the C++ type

Usually you will need a CLIF name to identify the C++ type within .clif files. To add a CLIF name add a structured comment of this form:

// CLIF use `::fq::CppType` as ClifName

Strictly speaking the CLIF name is internal to CLIF and only works in the context of .clif files, but often the CLIF and Python names are identical, in particular for Python built-in types like int, set, dict.

Multiple C++ type names may map to the same CLIF name. Currently CLIF uses a simple “last mapping seen wins” approach which can lead to surprises when a new // CLIF use is added, or even if it is just that the order of C++ #includes changes in a refactoring project. For example, a // CLIF use `my::BytesLikeType` as bytes may suddenly take precedence over // CLIF use `std::string` as bytes. There is a simple way to work around this with // CLIF use2 (think: “use this, too, but with lower priority”), for example:

// CLIF use2 `my::BytesLikeType` as bytes

In most cases it will be best to prefer use2 when adding a mapping to a CLIF name that is established elsewhere already.

Using the library

Besides adding the cc_library to the py_clif_cc deps use normal

from "path/to/the/library/header" import *

to load the ClifName in a .clif file.