
CLIF - Frequently Asked Questions


This document answers some frequently asked questions about the CLIF open source project. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, join the discussion group and ask away!


Q: Specifying C++ type is annoying and unpythonic. Can we get rid of it?

A: We’d like to get rid of it, but it appeared to be difficult.

Q: PyCLIF describe types, why does it not follow PEP 484 style?

A: PEP 484 was limited to (a) Python syntax and (b) Python execution semantics. PyCLIF is free of those limitations and chose the most expressive syntax for the task.

Q: Can I wrap a class and specify a base class wrapped in another .clif file?

A: Yes. Be careful to use a Python import to get the base class, not a C header. Use

from import BaseClass
class Derived(BaseClass)

Note that in many cases you don’t even need to wrap the C++ base class. It’s a C++ implementation detail not relevant to the Python API. CLIF will take care of it.

Q: Why are there different quote types in CLIF?

A: As you probably noticed, files are always in “double quotes” and C++ names in `backquotes`.

Q: What about interfacing C++ with languages other than Python such as Java and Go?

A: CLIF is designed to support multiple language frontends. Python is our first target. We expect success with Python to drive the desire to actually implement and support other languages.

Q: How do I wrap an API that involves Protocol Buffers?

A: Use the pyclif_proto tool to wrap a proto with CLIF. Import the generated header as any other C++ header. All messages and enums are now available to use in the .clif file. To access a nested type use normal.python.dotted.notation.

Q: Why does CLIF insist on using the package statement in Protocol Buffers?

A: CLIF uses C++ argument-dependent lookup (ADL) to find proper conversion functions which does not work in the global namespace (that’s where proto messages end up without a package). You can still use such a proto but it will have a limited functionality without ADL (that mostly affects using proto in containers). To generate the C++ source add –allow_empty_package flag to the pyclif_proto run:

pyclif_proto --allow_empty_package -c -h somename.h your_proto.proto

Q: Why does CLIF not have a standard support for NumPy?

A: CLIF allows users to extend it by writing to/from Python conversion functions. To pick a contrasting example for illustration, protobuf has a canonical C++ representation, so pyclif_proto generates a CLIF C++ extension library that converts between Python canonical proto and C++ canonical proto. OTOH C++ has no canonical “numarray”, so CLIF does not know what to convert NumPy types to/from. Users must write the conversions.


Q: Can we still use CLIF and SWIG wrappers interchangeably?

A: CLIF can coexist with SWIG in one binary. To pass a SWIG-wrapped type as CLIF input parameter add the following to the SWIG-wrapper:

%extend %{
PyObject* as_my_Foo() { return PyCapsule_New($self, "::my::Foo", NULL); }

Q: SWIG allows the use of IN_OUT parameters, why doesn’t CLIF?

A: Unlike wrapped C++ classes, most other types are completely different objects in C++ and Python. So “modify-in-place” C++ idiom does not work and CLIF makes no attempt to hide double conversion needed to pass from Python to C++ and back. Every time the author must make a choice either do that explicitly in C++ adapter code or do something else. CLIF does not make that decision for them.

Q: SWIG allows me to insert arbitrary Python / C++ code. Can I do the same in CLIF?

A: No. This SWIG misfeature proved to be difficult to maintain and error-prone (almost no one gets Python refcounting and error processing right especially for nested containers). All language code must go into corresponding (py/c++) libraries for review and testing like any other code. It also makes such code available for static analysis and refactoring tools.

Q: SWIG supports overloaded C++ functions. How do I do that in CLIF?

A: Python does not support function overloading. To expose different signatures of a C++ function to Python use different Python names (or default arguments).

def Func()
def `Func` as FuncWithDelay(delay: int)

C++ types

Q: Why is my ____ C++ construct / API not supported?

A: Not all of C++ is supported by design. Plain C (macros, varargs, C arrays, char* strings) are also not supported.

Q: How do I pass Callbacks (or other function pointers)?

A: Use std::function instead. It will take a Python callable but still check the number and type of arguments with inspect.getcallargs().

Q: Can I use the T* output convention to return additional values from a std::function?

A: No. CLIF only supports input parameters in std::function. Use std::tuple to return multiple values.

Q: Why doesn’t CLIF accept varargs?

A: CLIF needs C++ type to be checked at language boundary and varargs does not provide it.

Q: Why doesn’t CLIF accept T*?

A: It does. Although many things in modern C++ are better passed by value e.g. std::function.

Also be extra careful accepting T* from CLIF - there is no object lifetime guarantee, so don’t store it.

Q: What about returning a const T*?

A: Since Python doesn’t have a good mapping of the C++ const construct (there is no const object), CLIF doesn’t support const T* other than making a copy of it because CLIF cannot guarantee object constness requested by C++ author.

Q: How do I return a derived class pointer? My C++ function returns a base class pointer.

A: Change your C++ signature to return the derived class pointer as it actually does. It should not disrupt your C++ code (an implicit cast will happen on base class pointer assignment) but CLIF will know that a proper derived class [smart] pointer is returned and do the right thing.


Q: I’m getting a compile error: no matching function for call to ‘Clif_PyObjAs’

A: Consider if your case matches with any of the following two conditions:

Case1: The .clif file declares a valid C++ type but does not import a CLIF wrapper for that type, so CLIF does not know how to deal with it. Look at the error - next lines show candidates with that type no known conversion from 'unknown_type *'. Use a c_header_import statement to tell CLIF about this type.

Case2: Clif does not support wrapping C++’s pointers to containers types as functions’ input parameters. Change C++ function’s interface or add a wrapper, make sure the C++ input container type being wrapped is not a pointer.

Q: I’m getting a compile error: call to deleted function ‘Clif_PyObjFrom’

A: Python was trying create a copy on non-copyable C++ object. Either it was an attempt of passing it by value or by const* (see [above][q-what-about-const-t]).

Q: I’m getting a compile error: functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded

A: If the next line says “previous declaration is here” and refers to a standard library function, you unfortunately have a C++ header with a name, along with Python extension module calling convention, that collides with a standard function. You need to rename the C++ header file.

Q: I’m getting a TypeError: {function} argument {name} is not valid for ::absl::string_view (unicode given): expecting str.

A: Usually, the solution is to wrap the argument with str({name}).

This is a Python 2 only problem. Due to a limited API, there is nobody to handle intermediate PyObject with encoded str. Consider a std::vector<absl::string_view> getting unicode input. Each str creates an encoded PyObject and either they leak or get destroyed immediately after we finish that vector element conversion.

So the Python 2 caller has to encode prior to passing unicode to CLIF-wrapped C++ taking a absl::string_view which is a “pointer” to a string data stored elsewhere, ie. within a Python str object. In Python 3 such UTF-8 encoded string data is hidden inside PyUnicodeObject representation. In non-pointer C++ types it also not a problem as string data is copied from Python to C++ rather than referenced.

Q: How to debug “Is the keyword “explicit” missed in C++’s definition of constructors?” ?

A: This usually comes together with the multi match error: “Multiple C++ symbols with same name found.” By Google convention, constructors that can be called with a single argument, except for copy and move constructors, must be marked explicit in the class definition to avoid unexpected implicit conversions. Check if you missed any explicit in your C++ definition of single argument constructors. See ( for more details.

Q: How to debug “no matching constructor for initialization of ‘typename std::remove_const<***>::type’ ” ?

A: If you are wrapping a container type like std::vector<type> and std::unordered_map<type> as functions parameters, add a default constructor to the C++ nested type. When wrapping C++ container types, CLIF constructs a local object of the nested type at backend. Thus, CLIF requires the nested type of the container to be default constructible.