goog.ui.Select & goog.ui.Option

Demo of the goog.ui.Select component:


 (This control doesn't auto-highlight; it only dispatches ENTER and LEAVE events.)

Click here to add a new option for the best movie, here to hide/show the select component for the best movie, or here to set the worst movie of all time to "Catwoman."

This goog.ui.Select was decorated:

Demo of goog.ui.Select using goog.ui.FlatMenuButtonRenderer:


 (This control doesn't auto-highlight; it only dispatches ENTER and LEAVE events.)

Click here to add a new option for the best Arnold movie, here to hide/show the select component for the best Arnold movie, or here to set the worst Arnold movie to "Jingle All the Way."

This Flat goog.ui.Select was decorated:

Event Log