
Rust has no implicit type conversions, but does support explicit casts with as. These generally follow C semantics where those are defined.

fn main() {
    let value: i64 = 1000;
    println!("as u16: {}", value as u16);
    println!("as i16: {}", value as i16);
    println!("as u8: {}", value as u8);

The results of as are always defined in Rust and consistent across platforms. This might not match your intuition for changing sign or casting to a smaller type – check the docs, and comment for clarity.

Casting with as is a relatively sharp tool that is easy to use incorrectly, and can be a source of subtle bugs as future maintenance work changes the types that are used or the ranges of values in types. Casts are best used only when the intent is to indicate unconditional truncation (e.g. selecting the bottom 32 bits of a u64 with as u32, regardless of what was in the high bits).

For infallible casts (e.g. u32 to u64), prefer using From or Into over as to confirm that the cast is in fact infallible. For fallible casts, TryFrom and TryInto are available when you want to handle casts that fit differently from those that don’t.

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as is similar to a C++ static cast. Use of as in cases where data might be lost is generally discouraged, or at least deserves an explanatory comment.

This is common in casting integers to usize for use as an index.