
クロージャやラムダ式には、名前を付けることができない型があります。ただし、これらは特別な FnFnMutFnOnce トレイトを備えています。


Speaker Notes

This slide should take about 10 minutes.

An Fn (e.g. add_3) neither consumes nor mutates captured values. It can be called needing only a shared reference to the closure, which means the closure can be executed repeatedly and even concurrently.

An FnMut (e.g. accumulate) might mutate captured values. The closure object is accessed via exclusive reference, so it can be called repeatedly but not concurrently.

If you have an FnOnce (e.g. multiply_sum), you may only call it once. Doing so consumes the closure and any values captured by move.

FnMutFnOnce のサブタイプで、FnFnMutFnOnce のサブタイプです。つまり、FnOnce が呼び出される場合は常に FnMut を使用でき、FnMut または FnOnce が呼び出される場合は常に Fn を使用できます。

クロージャを受け取る関数を定義する場合、可能であれば(1 回だけ呼び出す)FnOnce を使用し、次に FnMut、最後に Fn を使用するようにします。これにより、呼び出し元に最も柔軟に対応できます。

In contrast, when you have a closure, the most flexible you can have is Fn (which can be passed to a consumer of any of the 3 closure traits), then FnMut, and lastly FnOnce.

The compiler also infers Copy (e.g. for add_3) and Clone (e.g. multiply_sum), depending on what the closure captures. Function pointers (references to fn items) implement Copy and Fn.

By default, closures will capture each variable from an outer scope by the least demanding form of access they can (by shared reference if possible, then exclusive reference, then by move). The move keyword forces capture by value.