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Digital Buildings Ontology Configuration

The Digital Buildings ontology uses YAML syntax to define its models. The format allows users to specify subfields, fields, entity types, states, units and connections in multiple namespaces. Files written in the format can be strictly validated for consistency and backwards compatibility with earlier versions.

Namespaces and File Structure

Each namespace in the ontology has folders with reserved names for each type component: fields, subfields, entity_types and states. The global namespace has two additional folders units and connections(coming soon), as well as folders for each of the child namespaces.

Child namespaces are defined by adding subfolders to the global namespace with the name of the child namespace. Child namespace names that overlap with reserved folder names are, obviously, not allowed. Only one level of child namespaces is allowed.

File names and subfolder hierarchy below the reserved folder names are ignored for the purposes of constructing the ontology. All files in all folders under a reserved folder will be read and consolidated into the model as if they had been defined in a single file.

Namespace-aware Components

Fields, EntityTypes and MultiStates all carry explicit namespaces. That is, if a user defines any of these components in a namespace and it cannot be elevated to the global namespace, it carries that qualifier everywhere in the system. Ex: HVAC/zone_temperature_sensor.

Because of namespace elevation, states in field files and fields in entity type files can always be written with the namespace omitted. The only case where a namespace is required is when a user is referring to a non-elevated field in another namespace. This imposes a few constraints on components, which will be discussed later.

Namespace Agnostic Components

Subfields: Unlike other components, are Subfields are not namespace aware. As a result, they are always used verbatim and should be defined in the global namespace whenever possible. Subfields defined in a non-global namespace are only available for use in that namespace and conflicting subfields in the local namespace will override the definition of the globally defined versions for any fields defined in that namespace.

Units and Connections: Units and connections are always defined globally.

Namespace Elevation

Namespace elevation is the concept of pushing definitions from child namespaces to the global namespace when doing so is guaranteed safe. Field definitions are subject to namespace elevation. Functionally this means that a field, regardless of where it is defined, will be considered global if it only uses subfields in the global namespace. From a syntax perspective, an elevated field can always be referenced without being fully qualified.

Configuration Syntax


Subfields are described in a folder with the name subfields. Subfields are primarily defined at the top level of the BOS ontology, but top level definitions for all except measurement subfields may be overridden in local namespaces (though this is discouraged).

In order to minimize repetitive text, subfields are grouped by type, then defined as key:value mappings consisting of the subfield name and a definition. Example:

  daily: description
  fivesecond: description
  max: The largest value ...
  min: The smallest value ...
  fan: ...
  pump: ...
  setpoint: A value the system controls to on a particular dimension

The value for the key is simply a free-text description of the subfield’s meaning.

The validation enforces that:

Fields and Multi-state groups

Fields are described in a folder with the name fields. They can be configured in the global namespace or in individual namespaces. There is no particular preference for definition at the top level or in namespaces (since fields are elevated whenever possible). The parser should automatically sort fields into the global or local namespace depending on whether or not they can be elevated.

Fields are added in fully constructed form using the "literals" tag[^5].

- zone_air_temperature_mode:
  - AUTO
- outside_air_temperature_sensor:
    flexible_min: 248.15
    flexible_max: 318.15
- bypass_air_damper_percentage_command:
    fixed_min: 0
    fixed_max: 100
- power_sensor:
    fixed_min: 0
    flexible_max: 318000

For numeric fields, users must define the default value range: the minimum and maximum expected values for the field across all entities that have the field. The range should be specified as a map containing exactly two entries:

Each key should map to a double value, expressed in the SI unit for the field. “Fixed” means the value should never be changed and should always apply across all entities that have the field. For example, a percentage field may have an expected range of 0 to 100 regardless of the entity. “Flexible” means the value may be adjusted through the range calculation pipeline, which periodically calculates new ranges for fields by using the interquartile-range method on timeseries data. A range may consist of two flexible bounds, two fixed bounds, or one flexible bound and one fixed bound.

For multistate fields (any field with a status, alarm, mode, or command point type, e.g. zone_air_temperature_mode in the example above), users must define the valid states inline as a nested array. Each state is considered a reference to a state value in the global namespace unless a state with the same name is defined in the local namespace, in which case the definition is assumed to use the local version.

Use of locally defined states across namespaces is not currently supported as it would require support for aliasing of unqualified state names1.

See Ontology Fields for more detail on field construction rules.

The validation enforces that:

Elevating Fields

When building the ontology, any fields using all globally defined subcomponents are created in the global namespace. Field validation for duplicates is done in the namespace the field arrives in after elevation.


States are described in a folder with the name states. States may be defined globally or in local namespaces, with a preference for global definitions for any state that is likely to be reusable.

Unlike fields, multistates are always namespaced based on the subfolder they reside in. They are listed in a file called “states”. Configuration is a simple key:value pairing of the name and the definition:

ON: This thing is running
OFF: This thing is not running

Validation enforces:


Entity types are described in a folder with the name entity_types. Entity types are the most often namespaced component. Each Entity Type specifies the fields and inherited types that compose it. Entity Types are namespaced like fields and can used both locally and globally namespaced fields and types in their construction.

A typical construction looks like this:

  guid: '4d68ac84-786f-425c-9a65-097b1fb04c91' // auto-generated UUID v4 GUID
  description: this is a really common HVAC device
  is_abstract: false // note: this defaults to false if unspecified
  allow_undefined_fields: false // note: this defaults to false if unspecified
  is_canonical: false // defaults to false.  See this doc for detail
  - some_parent_type
  - another_parent_type
  - discharge_air_flowrate_setpoint
  - discharge_air_flowrate_sensor
  - discharge_air_temperature_sensor
  connections:  # NB:  Connection constraints are not yet implemented
  - air_handler_type: FEEDS
  - chilled_water_plant_type: FEEDS

When specifying an entity, the user can add fields or other entities either in the local namespace or the global one verbatim, as the parser should be able to explicitly differentiate between whether or not the user’s intent was to specify a local or global field or entity[^4]. Entries from other local namespaces are prefixed with "<namespace>/".

Validation enforces:


Connections are described in a folder with the name connections. Connections can only be described in the global namespace, and the set of connections is intended to grow infrequently.

Connections are defined by name with an associated description[^6]:

  description: Source sends physical media (air, water, etc.) to Target
  description: Source physically contains target

Validation enforces:


Units are described in a folder with the name units. They are only defined in the global namespace and are grouped by measurement subfield. For example:

  parts_per_million: STANDARD
  amperes: STANDARD
    multiplier: 0.001
    offset: 0
  joules: STANDARD
    multiplier: 3600000
    offset: 0

Under each subfield name, the configuration defines a list of dimensional units of a single Quantity Kind, One of the listed units must be listed as the STANDARD unit for the type. All of the STANDARD units for all subfields must belong to the same unit family, such as standard SI units. All units that are not standard must map to a multiplier and an offset. The conversion multiplier for a unit is the number to multiply by to convert a value using this unit to the standard unit. The offset is the number to add to convert a value using this unit to the standard unit.

If a subfield needs to use the same set of units as another subfield, it is defined as an alias by providing the other subfield name instead of a list of units. For example:

  meters: STANDARD
    multiplier: 0.3048
    offset: 0
    multiplier: 0.0254
    offset: 0
length: distance
level: distance

Validation enforces:


The Digital Buildings ontology contains a configuration validator that enforces all the constraints outlined above.

The validator source code can be found here.

The Validator is Python based, it takes the following arguments:

The validator can be run as following: python3 --original=Users/foo/ontology/


  1. The reason for this requirement is so that compiled code for the ontology have clean enumerations. \ [^3]: The “literals” list would also be in its own document, if used. \ [^4]: An unstated assumption here is that the local version of a field is assumed to be used when a conflict exists between the local and global namespace. A user could explicitly specify a global namespace to override this with a leading “/’”. \ [^5]: A construction syntax was originally envisioned to help related subfield permutations to auto-generate, but we found that in practice the number of fields was small enough that it was never implemented. \ [^6]: longer form with description added as a separate key anticipates additional configuration functionality for fields \