Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images

Yasumasa Onoe1, Sunayana Rane2, Zachary Berger1, Yonatan Bitton1, Jaemin Cho3, Roopal Garg1,
Alexander Ku2,1, Jordi Pont-Tuset1, Zarana Parekh1, Garrett Tanzer1, Su Wang1, Jason Baldridge1
1Google, 2Princeton University, 3UNC Chapel Hill
  author        = {Yasumasa Onoe and Sunayana Rane and Zachary Berger and Yonatan Bitton and Jaemin Cho and Roopal Garg and
    Alexander Ku and Zarana Parekh and Jordi Pont-Tuset and Garrett Tanzer and Su Wang and Jason Baldridge},
  title         = {{DOCCI: Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images}},
  booktitle     = {arXiv:2404.19753},
  year          = {2024}
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Vision-language datasets are vital for both text-to-image (T2I) and image-to-text (I2T) research. However, current datasets lack descriptions with fine-grained detail that would allow for richer associations to be learned by models. To fill the gap, we introduce Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images (DOCCI), a dataset with long, human-annotated English descriptions for 15k images that were taken, curated and donated by a single researcher intent on capturing key challenges such as spatial relations, counting, text rendering, world knowledge, and more. We instruct human annotators to create comprehensive descriptions for each image; these average 136 words in length and are crafted to clearly distinguish each image from those that are related or similar. Each description is highly compositional and typically encompasses multiple challenges. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, we demonstrate that DOCCI serves as an effective training resource for image-to-text generation -- a PaLI 5B model finetuned on DOCCI shows equal or superior results compared to highly-performant larger models like LLaVA-1.5 7B and InstructBLIP 7B. Furthermore, we show that DOCCI is a useful testbed for text-to-image generation, highlighting the limitations of current text-to-image models in capturing long descriptions and fine details.


The DOCCI dataset consists of comprehensive descriptions on 15k images specifically taken with the objective of evaluating T2I and I2T models. These cover a lot of key details in the images, as illustrated below.

This unprecedented level of detail in the descriptions allows to evaluate T2I models by messuring how well they reconstruct the real images, as seen in the example below.


🤗 DOCCI can also be used via Huggingface Datasets 🤗

DOCCI Descriptions (10.5 MB)

Detailed descriptions of each of the DOCCI images. The format is JSON Lines, which means that each line is a JSON-encoded string. The description of each of the fields in the JSON object can be found in this README. If you find any error in the annotations, please report it in this form.

DOCCI Images (7.1 GB)

15k images that form the visual basis for the DOCCI descriptions (all either portrait or landscape aspect ratio).

DOCCI Metadata (155 MB)

Metadata about the images and the prompts as JSON Lines. The description of each of the fields in the JSON object can be found in this README.

DOCCI AAR Images (3.6 GB)

An additional 9.6k unannotated images that are cropped to arbitrary aspect ratios from tall portraits to long landscapes.

The annotations and images are licensed by Google LLC under CC BY 4.0 license.


Field Description
example_id The unique ID of an example follows this format: <split_id>_<index>.
split Identifier of the data split it belongs to (e.g. qual_dev).
image_file Image filename (JPEG format).
description Text description of the associated image.


Field Description
example_id The unique ID of an example follows this format: <split_id>_<index>.
cluster_id Cluster ID to which an image belongs.
entity_tags Tags of common entities across DOCCI, such as #E_CAT_TIGER, which refers to the same gray tabby cat that appears many times in DOCCI.
image_width Size of the image in pixels (width).
image_height Size of the image in pixels (height).
cloud_vision_api_responses Responses from Google Cloud Vision API such as object detection, OCR, and SafeSearch.
dsg DSG subquestions and results. See the DSG paper for more details. These are only available for the test, qual_dev, and qual_test splits.
distractors File names of four visually similar images. These are available for a randomly selected set of 1,000 test examples. For more details, see Section 3.3 of our paper.