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Schema and Flat Views


The heavily nested nature of FHIR resources and the Parquet on FHIR schema requires complex SQL queries that can make them difficult to work with for analytics use cases. A common approach to address this is to flatten the data into a set of views (virtual or materialized) which can then be queried using simpler SQL statements.

FHIR Data Pipes provides two approaches for flattening the FHIR resources into virtual or materialized views:

  1. SQL queries to generate virtual views ( outside the pipeline)

  2. FHIR ViewDefinition resources to generate materialized views (within the pipeline)

For both of these approaches, a set of "predefined views" for common FHIR resources are provided. These can be modified or extended.

The currently supported list (as of July, 2024) are:


SQL virtual views

These are samples of more complex SQL-on-FHIR queries for defining flat views for common FHIR resources. These virtual views are applied outside the pipelines in a downstream SQL query engine.

The queries, which have .sql suffix, can be found in /docker/config/views directory (e.g Patient_flat.sql).

An example of a flat view for the Observation resource is below:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW flat_observation AS
SELECT AS obs_id, O.subject.PatientId AS patient_id,
        OCC.`system` AS code_sys, OCC.code,
        O.value.quantity.value AS val_quantity,
        OVCC.code AS val_code, OVCC.`system` AS val_sys,
        O.effective.dateTime AS obs_date
      FROM Observation AS O LATERAL VIEW OUTER explode(code.coding) AS OCC
        LATERAL VIEW OUTER explode(O.value.codeableConcept.coding) AS OVCC

Query Simplification

The following example is taken from a tutorial Jupyter notebook available here.

The following queries count the number of patients that have had an observation with a specific code (HIV viral load), with a value below a certain threshold for the year 2010.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT O.subject.PatientId) AS num_patients
  FROM Observation AS O LATERAL VIEW explode(code.coding) AS OCC
  WHERE OCC.code LIKE '856%%'
    AND OCC.`system` = ''
    AND O.value.quantity.value < 400000
    AND YEAR(O.effective.dateTime) = 2010;
The output relation should have a count of 3074 patients:
| num_patients  |
| 3074          |

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient_id) AS num_patients
  FROM Observation_flat
  WHERE code LIKE '856%%'
    AND code_sys = ''
    AND val_quantity < 400000
    AND YEAR(obs_date) = 2010
  LIMIT 100;
The output relation should have a count of 3074 patients:
| num_patients  |
| 3074          |

This approach preserves the nested structures and arrays of FHIR resources within the Observation_flat view. The results of these queries can then be used as arbitrary tables for further data analysis in other tools.

ViewDefinition resource

The SQL-on-FHIR-v2 specification defines a ViewDefinition resource for defining views. Each column in the view is defined using a FHIRPath expression. There is also an un-nesting construct and support for constant and where clauses too.


  • A singlular View Definition will not join different resources in any way
  • Each View Definition defines a tabular view of exactly one resource type

A system (pipeline or library) that implements the “View Layer” of the specification provides a View Runner that is able to process these FHIR ViewDefinition Resources over the “Data Layer” (lossless representation of the FHIR data). The output of this are a set of portable, tabular views that can be consumed by the “Analytics Layer” which is any number of tools that can be used to work with the resulting tabular data.

FHIR Data Pipes is a reference implementation of the SQL-on-FHIR-v2 specification:

  • The "View Runner" is, by default, part of the ETL Pipelines and uses the transformed Parquet files as the “Data Layer”. This can be extracted to be a stand-alone component if required

  • When enabled as part of the Pipeline configuration, thr "View Runner" will apply the ViewDefinition resources from the views folder and materialize the resulting tables to the configured database (an instance of PostgresSQL, MySQL, etc.).

  • A set of pre-defined ViewDefinitions for common FHIR resources is provided as part of the default package. These can be adapted, replaced and extended.

  • The FHIR Data Pipes provides a simple ViewDefinition Editor which can be used to explore FHIR ViewDefinitions and apply these to individual FHIR resources.

Once the FHIR data has been transformed via the ETL Pipelines, the resulting schema is available for querying using a JDBC interface.

Visit our interactive playground to get a hands-on understanding of the Patient ViewDefinition resource, and many more

ViewDefinition editor

The ViewDefinition editor provides a way to quickly evaluate ViewDefinition resources against sample FHIR data. You access it as part of the Web Control Panel, selecting the "Views" navigation item in the top right corner.

Using the ViewDefinition editor you can:

  • Provide an input ViewDefinition (left)
  • Apply it to a sample input FHIR resource (right pane)
  • View the results in the generated table (top)

FHIR Data Pipes Image

Output Data Formats

Conversion to PostgreSQL

To be continued...

Conversion to Parquet

To be continued...