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Deploy the Controller Module

Guide Overview

  • This guide will walk you through how to deploy and run the Pipelines Controller Module
  • This module is designed to work with the FHIR Data Pipes ETL Pipelines
  • For ease of deployment a set of example docker compose configurations that include the Pipeline and Controller has been provided. See the Docker section


The FHIR Pipelines Controller helps you schedule and manage the running of the FHIR Data Pipes Pipeline. Using the Controller module you can configure the Pipeline to run either full or incremental transformations, and it can be used to monitor the pipelines.

Once deployed, the Controller can be managed via the cmd-line or Web Control Panel.


  1. Clone the fhir-data-pipes GitHub repository, open a terminal window.
  2. cd to the directory where you cloned it.
  3. Change to the controller directory: cd pipelines/controller/.

Later terminal commands will assume your working directory is the controller directory.

Next, configure the FHIR Pipelines Controller. The FHIR Pipelines Controller relies on several configuration files to run. Edit them to match your environment and requirements.

Run the FHIR Pipelines Controller

There are 2 ways to run the FHIR Pipelines Controller.

Using Spring Boot:

mvn spring-boot:run

Running the JAR directly:

mvn clean install
java -jar ./target/controller-bundled.jar

After running, open a web browser and visit http://localhost:8080. You should see the FHIR Pipelines Control Panel.

There are 3 ways to have the FHIR Pipelines Controller run the transformation pipeline:

  • Manually trigger the Run Full option by clicking the button. This transforms all the selected FHIR resource types to Parquet files. You are required to use the Run Full option once before using any of the following incremental options.
  • Manually trigger the Run Incremental option by clicking the button. This only outputs resources that are new or changed since the last run.
  • Automatically scheduled incremental runs, as specified by incrementalSchedule in the [application.yaml](( file. You can see when the next scheduled run is near the top of the control panel.

After running the pipeline, look for the Parquet files created in the directory specified by dwhRootPrefix in the [application.yaml](( file.

Explore the configuration settings

The bottom area of the control panel shows the options being used by the FHIR Pipelines Controller.

Main configuration parameters

This section corresponds to the settings in the [application.yaml](( file.

Batch pipeline non-default configurations

This section calls out FHIR Data Pipes batch pipeline settings that are different from their default values. These are also mostly derived from [application.yaml](( Use these settings if you want to run the batch pipeline manually.