Semantic versioning
Versioning across all Open Health Stack components is based on the major.minor.patch scheme and respects Semantic Versioning.
Respecting Semantic Versioning is important for multiple reasons:
- It guarantees simple minor version upgrades, as long as you only use the public APIs
- A new major version is an opportunity to thoroughly document breaking changes
- A new major/minor version is an opportunity to communicate new features through a blog post
Major versions
The major version number is incremented on every breaking change.
Whenever a new major version is released, we publish:
- a blog post with feature highlights, major bug fixes, breaking changes, and upgrade instructions.
- an exhaustive changelog entry via the release notes
Minor versions
The minor version number is incremented on every significant retro-compatible change.
Whenever a new minor version is released, we publish:
- an exhaustive changelog entry via the release notes
Patch versions
The patch version number is incremented on bugfixes releases.
Whenever a new patch version is released, we publish:
- an exhaustive changelog entry