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PostgreSQL DWH using custom schema


In this tutorial you will learn how to configure and deploy FHIR Data Pipes to transform FHIR data into a PostgreSQL data-warehouse using FHIR ViewDefinition resources to define the custom schema.


Configure the FHIR Pipelines Controller

Note: All file paths are relative to the root of the FHIR Data Pipes repository.

NOTE: You need to configure only one of the following options:

  1. For FHIR Search API (works for any FHIR server):
  2. Open docker/config/application.yaml and edit the value of fhirServerUrl to match the FHIR server you are connecting to.
  3. Comment out the dbConfig in this case.

  4. For direct DB access (specific to HAPI FHIR servers):

  5. Comment out fhirServerUrl
  6. Set dbConfig to the DB connection config file, e.g., docker/config/hapi-postgres-config_local.json;
  7. Edit the values in this file to match the database for the FHIR server you are connecting to.

Set the sinkDbConfigPath

The sinkDb refers to the target database that will become the data warehouse.

With the default config, you will create both Parquet files (under dwhRootPrefix) and flattened views in the database configured by sinkDbConfigPath here.

Make sure to create the database referenced in the connection config file (default is a postgreSQL db named 'views'). You can do this with the following SQL query:

which you can run in Postgres like this:
PGPASSWORD=admin psql -h -p 5432 -U admin postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE views"

For documentation of all config parameters, see here.

If you are using the local test servers, things should work with the default values. If not, use the IP address of the Docker default bridge network. To find it, run the following command and use the "Gateway" value:

docker network inspect bridge | grep Gateway

The Single Machine docker configuration uses two environment variables, DWH_ROOT and PIPELINE_CONFIG, whose default values are defined in the .env file. To override them, set the variable before running the docker-compose command. For example, to override the DWH_ROOT environment variable, run the following:

DWH_ROOT="$(pwd)/<path_to_dwh_directory>" docker compose -f docker/compose-controller-spark-sql-single.yaml up --force-recreate 

Run the Single Machine configuration

To bring up the docker/compose-controller-spark-sql-single.yaml configuration for the first time or if you have run this container in the past and want to include new changes pulled into the repo, run:

docker compose -f docker/compose-controller-spark-sql-single.yaml up --force-recreate --build

Alternatively, to run without rebuilding use:

docker compose -f docker/compose-controller-spark-sql-single.yaml up --force-recreate

Alternatively, docker/compose-controller-spark-sql.yaml serves as a very simple example on how to integrate the Parquet output of Pipelines in a Spark cluster environment.

Once started, the Pipelines Controller is available at http://localhost:8090 and the Spark Thrift server is at http://localhost:10001.

The first time you run the Pipelines Controller, you must manually start a Full Pipeline run. In a browser go to http://localhost:8090 and click the Run Full button.

After running the Full Pipeline, use the Incremental Pipeline to update the Parquet files and tables. By default it is scheduled to run every hour, or you can manually trigger it.

If the Incremental Pipeline does not work, or you see errors like:

ERROR$ - exception while running pipeline: 
pipeline-controller    | java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException: Error running query: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Unable to infer schema for Parquet. It must be specified manually.

try running sudo chmod -R 755 on the Parquet file directory, by default located at docker/dwh.

Explore the resulting schema in PostgreSQL

Connect to the PostgreSQL RDBMS via docker using the cmd: docker exec -it <container_name_or_id> bash

If using the default container (hapi-fhir-db) run: docker exec -it hapi_fhir_db bash

Using psql connect to the 'views' database: psql -U admin -d views

To list the tables: \d. It should look something like this:

Schema Name Type Owner
public condition_flat table admin
public diagnostic_report_flat table admin
public immunization_flat table admin
public location_flat table admin
public medication_request_flat table admin
public observation_flat table admin
public organization_flat table admin
public practitioner_flat table admin
public practitioner_role_flat table admin
public procedure_flat table admin

Querying the database

Let's do some basic quality checks to make sure the data is uploaded properly (note table names are case insensitive).

Note: You will see that the number of patients and observations is higher than the count in the FHIR Server. This is due to the flattening

SELECT COUNT(0) FROM patient_flat;
We should have exactly 114 patients:
| count     |
| 114       |

Doing the same for observations:

SELECT COUNT(0) FROM observation_flat;
| count  |
| 18343     |