Anatomy of a logging API

Anatomy of a logging API

This page is quite detailed and goes into depth regarding some of the decisions made during the design of the Flogger fluent API.

A typical log statement in an existing logging API might be something like:"My message: {0}", arg);

and the equivalent statement in Flogger’s API would be:

logger.atInfo().log("My message: %s", arg);

At first sight, Flogger’s API looks somewhat verbose; after all what’s wrong with having a single method to do the logging? Undeniably the first version is shorter and the Flogger log statement even contains a second method invocation. However the shorter form of the log statement hides some non-trivial issues, which the fluent approach of Flogger’s API can overcome. Before examining Flogger’s API, it’s worth looking at the ‘classic’ logging API in a little more depth.

The classic logging API

Typically a logging API contains methods that look something like:

level(String, Object)
level(String, Object...)

where level can be one of about seven log level names (usually severe, warning, config, info, fine, finer, finest) as well as having a canonical log method which accepts an additional log level.

In addition to this there are usually variants of the methods that take a cause (a Throwable instance) that is associated with the log statement. Something like:

level(Throwable, String);
level(Throwable, String, Object)
level(Throwable, String, Object...)

When you examine this approach to the logging API it’s quite easy to see that the API is trying to do three distinct things in one method call:

  • Specify the log level (via the choice the method itself)
  • Optionally attach metadata to the log statement (the cause)
  • Specify the log message and arguments

This approach quickly multiplies the number of different logging methods needed to satisfy these independent concerns and we are quickly left with dozens of methods in our logging class. To see why this can cause a bit of trouble it’s worth examining the real cost of making a logging call in the general case.

Ignoring for a moment the specification of a cause, the most general form of a log statement is:

level(String, Object... )

which will be used for any situation in which several arguments are specified.

Let’s consider a simple logging API that uses varargs:

public class Logger {
  void log(String message, Object... args) {
    // Do logging...

and a simple class that uses it:

public class MyClass {
  private static final Logger logger = new Logger();
  public int getFoo() {
    return 23;
  public String getBar() {
    return "Hello World";
  public void myMethod() {
    logger.log("Foo[%d] = %s", getFoo(), getBar());

When we look at the bytecode produced for the single line of code that makes up the logging statement we see:

// Load the logger instance from the static field onto the top of the stack.
GETSTATIC com/example/MyClass.logger : Lcom/example/Logger;
// Push the constant string onto the top of the stack.
LDC "Foo[%d] = %s"
// Create an Object[] of size 2 to hold the logging arguments.
ANEWARRAY java/lang/Object
// Call getFoo() and store the result at index 0 in the array
// (note that because getFoo() returns a fundamental type, we must 'box' it
// into an Integer instance before storing it in the array).
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/MyClass.getFoo()I
INVOKESTATIC java/lang/Integer.valueOf(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
// Call getBar() and store the result at index 1 in the array.
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/MyClass.getBar()Ljava/lang/String;
// Invoke the logging method.
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/Logger.log(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V

In this code there is one place where a new Java instance must be allocated (ANEWARRAY), and one place where a new instance might be allocated (the call to Integer.valueOf(int)), both of which are hidden from the user by the compiler through the use of varargs and auto-boxing respectively.

In fact this code is essentially no different from having the log() method be:

void log(String message, Object[] args) {
  // Do logging...

and forcing the caller to deal with packaging up the arguments into the Object[] themselves; it’s simply shorter and easier on the eye.

The problem with this code is not that it exists (at some point during the processing of a log statement you are going to do far more work than is shown here), but that it exists in the caller’s code. This means that even when log statements are disabled, and even if the log method itself did nothing whatsoever, this code would be required to be executed first.

From analysis of logging behaviour in large applications in Google, it seems that disabled log statements are hit many orders of magnitude more than enabled ones. This is not unexpected, since “finer” logging tends to be put into inner loops. Thus for every log that your code emits, it’s expected that hundreds or even thousands of disabled log statements will have been encountered.

Avoiding Varargs

One common solution to this is to provide an interrogative method on the logging API to determine whether logging is enabled for a given log level. However while this is useful in some situations, it is typically not used for simple log statements that just happen to use varargs. Ideally we would like to do no work at all until we have determined that logging is enabled.

Another approach is to provide overloads of the logging methods in order to postpone the need to do this work until after a check has been made. Now our logger looks something like:

public class Logger {
  // Most generic version of the log method.
  void log(String message, Object... args) {
    if (shouldLog()) {
      logImpl(message, args);
  // Lots of overrides to avoid varargs and auto-boxing.
  void log(String message, int a, Object b) {
    if (shouldLog()) {
      // This is where we pay the cost of varargs and auto-boxing.
      logImpl(message, a, b);
  // Canonical log method which uses varargs.
  void logImpl(String message, Object... args) {
    // Do logging...
  boolean shouldLog() {
    // Determine whether logging is enabled.

But our calling code remains (visually) the same:

public void myMethod() {
  logger.log("Foo[%d] = %s", getFoo(), getBar());

and the bytecode produced for it is now:

// Load the logger instance from the static field onto the top of the stack.
GETSTATIC com/example/MyClass.logger : Lcom/example/Logger;
// Push the constant string onto the top of the stack.
LDC "Foo[%d] = %s"
// Call getFoo() to get the first argument onto the stack.
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/MyClass.getFoo()I
// Call getBar() to get the second argument onto the stack.
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/MyClass.getBar()Ljava/lang/String;
// Invoke the logging method.
INVOKEVIRTUAL com/example/Logger.log(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/Object;)V

which is considerably shorter than before and, importantly, contains no new Object allocations.

So, if we want to minimize the calling cost of logging when it’s disabled, all we need to do is add overrides to all the log methods, right? Ok, so lets work out how many additional methods we might need…

If we want to avoid the cost of allocating a varargs array (which is something we must always do when using varargs) then we can override the log method as follows:

void log(String message, Object arg1);
void log(String message, Object arg1, Object arg2);
void log(String message, Object arg1, Object arg2, ... , Object argN);

for some reasonable maximum N.

However, if we also wish to avoid auto-boxing a single argument, we will also need:

void log(String message, char arg1);
void log(String message, long arg1);
void log(String message, double arg1);

Where byte, short and int will be promoted to long, and float will be promoted to double. However this does not work if you want to support any non-trivial formatting options.

For example if the logger supports the printf style for formatting arguments, you will need to support %x (hexadecimal) formatting which operates on the unsigned value of the argument. Specifically a statement such as:

log("Byte: %#X", (byte) 0xff);

must result in the output Byte: 0xFF, and not Byte: 0x00000000000000FF, which would be the case if the value had been promoted to a long.

Thus, if we provide an overload for long, we need to provide overloads for byte, short and int. We also need to overload for char because a char is promoted to an int in preference to being boxed as a Character.

Similarly, if we provide an overload for double we should technically provide an overload for float (the string representation of a float can differ to that of double).

Looking at real world usage of log statements however we see that integral types (byte, short, int, long) are logged about 35-times more frequently than floating point types. So if we assume that any logger wishing to avoid common auto-boxing would need to, at least, support overloads for integral types, then we need the following overloads:

void log(String message, char arg);
void log(String message, byte arg);
void log(String message, short arg);
void log(String message, int arg);
void log(String message, long arg);

This brings the total number of overrides needed to (N + 5) (where N was the number of additional methods required to avoid varargs array allocation).

If we now go back and consider applying this technique to avoid varargs and auto-boxing in our original logging API, we need to multiply the number of methods we have by this factor:

#log-methods = ((#log-levels + 1) * 2) * (N + 5)

The + 1 accounts for the expected existence of a canonical log() method which accepts an explicit level, and the * 2 accounts for the alternate versions of the log methods that take a Throwable as a cause.

So where #log-levels = 7 (as it does for many common logging APIs) and we assume that a reasonable expected maximum number of arguments that we wish to avoid varargs for is 8, then our traditional logging API will need 208 method overrides to avoid auto-boxing for just one parameter.

Fundamentally this is being caused by the fact that (as mentioned at the beginning) the original API was trying to do 3 distinct things, each of which adds a multiplicative factor to the number of methods in the API. The critical observation here is that things would be a lot simpler if we only had to deal with methods related to the specification of the log message and its parameters in the log method itself. If we can separate these 3 concerns, we can create a more orthogonal API to which we can apply the technique of method overriding for efficiency without a combinatorial explosion.

The Fluent Logging API

Flogger’s API is designed to require only a single conceptual log method in its API. It does this by having a fluent call chain from which logging statements can be built. Returning to the original example of a Flogger log statement we can now see why it’s important to have two methods in the chain:

logger.atInfo().log("My message: %s", arg);

The atInfo() method returns a logging API which contains (conceptually at least) a single logging method called (somewhat unimaginatively) log(). Additionally if we need to specify a cause, we can do so by chaining an additional method call into the log statement:

logger.atInfo().withCause(e).log("My message: %s", arg);

And with only a single log() method in our API it becomes perfectly feasible to add overrides to avoid things like varargs and auto-boxing as we now only need a small number of overrides:

#log-methods = (N + 5)

Now we can start to see how this fluent logging API generalizes even further by letting us add other methods to the call chain. Examples include:

// Log 1 in 100 messages to avoid spamming the logs.
logger.atInfo().every(100).log("My message", args);
// Log at most once every 5 seconds.
logger.atInfo().atMostEvery(5, SECONDS).log("My message", args);

In the general case, a fluent log statement can be thought of as:


You might be asking how this can be more efficient that a single log call. After all the level selector must return an instance of something (a context for the log statement) which could be modified by any of the following methods, so surely there must still be a memory allocation per log statement (which obviates some of the gains made from avoiding allocations for varargs).

However it’s important to realize that in the case of varargs we were only trying to avoid the allocation of the array in the case that logging was disabled. If logging is enabled, the allocation of a small instance to hold contextual information for the log statement is not significant compared to the work we will do later.

Fortunately we know whether or not logging is disabled at the point that the level selector was called (and this is always the first thing we do). So if logging is disabled we can chose to return a different implementation of the logging context which simply discards all its arguments for every subsequent method call (a “No-Op” instance). Conveniently this instance is naturally immutable and thread safe, so we can return the same singleton instance every time, which avoids an allocation when logging is disabled.

This means that as well as being a more functional API, using a fluent API means that in the vast majority of cases a disabled log statement can avoid needing to allocate anything.


In summary, the use of a fluent API for specifying log statements makes it possible to design an API that avoids any work when log statements are disabled.