Google APIs Client Library for C++ A C++ library for client applications to access Google APIs.
Authentication and Authorization Overview

This document discusses authenticating and authorizing requests when using the Google APIs Client Library for C++. It provides a high level overview of the components involved and some basic use cases.

Authentication refers to the ability for the client to prove that it is acting on behalf of a particular user. The document Using OAuth 2.0 for Login may provide useful supplemental information on authenticating with OAuth 2.0.

Authorization refers to the ability for an authenticated user to give permission for an application they are using to access certain data that is private to them. OAuth 2.0 permits services to pick the degree of granularity that their data can be protected with so as to provide some levels of access to an application without providing complete access. The document Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs may provide useful supplemental material to understand how to use OAuth 2.0 for authorization works in general.


  1. Typical use case examples
    1. Creating and configuring an OAuth2AuthorizationFlow
    2. Obtaining and refreshing credentials
  2. Core components
    1. OAuth2Credential
    2. CredentialStore
    3. OAuth2TokenRequest
    4. OAuth2AuthorizationFlow

Typical use case examples

These examples show how to use the core OAuth 2.0 components to make authorized calls into cloud APIs. The following snippet applies to all the examples in this section.

#include "googleapis/client/auth/file_credential_store.h"
#include "googleapis/client/auth/oauth2_authorization.h"
#include "googleapis/client/transport/http_authorization.h"

using googleapis_client::CredentialStore;
using googleapis_client::FileCredentialStoreFactory;
using googleapis_client::OAuth2AuthorizationFlow;
using googleapis_client::OAuth2Credential;
using googleapis_client::OAuth2RequestOptions;

Creating and configuring an OAuth2AuthorizationFlow

Typically flows are created from client secrets files. The Preparing to use the SDK section of the Getting Started document discusses how to obtain a client_secrets file. The Google APIs Console Help may also be of use for more information on creating a client secrets file.

The following snippet:

// We're passing in NULL here assuming that you have set
// HttpTransport::default_transport_factory. Otherwise instead pass
// a transport, such as CurlHttpTransportFactory::New().
        client_secrets_path, transport, &status));
CHECK(status.ok()) << status.error_message();

util::Status store_status;
string dir;
    = FileCredentialStoreFactory::GetSystemHomeDirectoryStorePath(&dir);
if (store_status.ok()) {
  FileCredentialStoreFactory store_factory(dir);
      store_factory.NewCredentialStore("CalendarSample", &store_status));
if (!store_status.ok()) {
  LOG(WARNING) << "Not adding a credential store: "
               << store_status.error_message();

    NewPermanentCallback(&PromptShellForAuthorizationCode, flow_.get()));

Obtaining and refreshing credentials

The following snippet refreshes a credential for the given user.

util::Status RefreshCredentialForUser(
     const string& id, OAuth2Credential* credential) {
  OAuth2RequestOptions options;
  options.user_id = id;
  return flow_->RefreshCredentialWithOptions(options, credential);

Core components

The OAuth 2.0 module builds on abstract authorization concepts introduced in the HTTP Transport Layer and makes them specific to using OAuth2. The design goals were more to avoid a dependency on OAuth 2.0 in the implementation of the transport layer than to permit other authorization schemes.


An OAuth2Credential is an object that contains the credential data for a specific user. This includes both the short-lived access token as well as the permanent refresh token that can be used to obtain new access tokens. The credential object also knows how to authorize requests by adding the OAuth 2.0 authorization header with the access token. Credentials are bound to HttpRequests so that they can authorize requests when they are executed.


A CredentialStore provides persistent storage to credentials. Although the access tokens in the credentials have a limited lifespan, the refresh tokens are valid indefinitely until they are explicitly revoked. Storing a credential in a store for later retrieval will allow a new access token to be granted for an existing refresh token. Otherwise you will need to ask the user to authorize access over and over again each time they use the application.

Implements a credential store that writes to files. The default configuration uses plain-text files secured by the operating system. These can be made more secure by adding an encryption/decryption Codec.

See the Credential Store document for more information about using CredentialStore or adding your own mechanism.


An OAuth2TokenRequest is a request made to an OAuth 2.0 server. Internally it is implemented in terms of HttpRequest for the communication. There are specific derived classes for the different types of requests made to protocols. Most client applications will issue requests indirectly using an OAuth2AuthorizationFlow rather than use explicit token requests.

Revokes the access token and refresh token so that they are no longer valid. The user will have to re-authorize future access.
Exchanges an authentication code for an access token and refresh token. Authorization codes are only good one time so this request can only be sent once.
Obtains a new access token from an existing refresh token.


An OAuth2AuthorizationFlow is a high level object that implements an OAuth 2.0 workflow and interactions with an OAuth 2.0 server. The flow has factory methods to create OAuth2TokenRequests as well has methods to orchestrate the entire workflow as needed to obtain a credential.

The flow can accept a callback to obtain the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code to obtain the initial access token and refresh token from. This step requires specific application integration to authenticate the user and prompt them to grant authorization.

If a flow has a CredentialStore bound to it then it will automatically use that store as a cache.

Implements the OAuth 2.0 for Installed Applications use case.
Implements the OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications use case. Adds offline_access_type and force_approval_prompt parameters.