GSoC participants, being human, will sometimes get sick or have something come up in their life (i.e. death in the family) during GSoC and this can affect their performance. A GSoC contributor’s (or mentor’s) health is more important than a GSoC project.


  • Encourage the participant to focus on their health concerns as their priority.
  • Provide reasonable accommodations and understanding.


  • Pry into the details of the situation. It’s none of your business.
  • Ask for a doctor’s note or proof.
  • Make promises about extensions outside the normal GSoC dates. With the extensions available in 2022, the max of 22 weeks should be more than enough if you and your org choose to allow the GSoC contributor to extend their final deadline.
  • Require GSoC contributors to withdraw. This is their choice.

When evaluating GSoC contributors, be cognizant of the amount of time they have put in. A GSoC contributor who has produced good work for most of an evaluation period may be passed. A GSoC contributor who has only spent a few days working shouldn’t be passed. If a GSoC contributor needs to take a week off, that shouldn’t be an automatic fail. Evaluate the big picture. GSoC contributors should only be passed for work they’ve already done, not work they might do. Failing a GSoC contributor who has a special circumstance isn’t easy, but might be the right thing to do.

Note: GSoC contributors must still complete their final evaluation in order to be passed.

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