Package-level declarations
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fun SignInPromptScreen(message: String, onAlreadySignedIn: (account: AccountUiModel) -> Unit, columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, title: String = stringResource(id = R.string.horologist_signin_prompt_title), viewModel: SignInPromptViewModel = viewModel(), loadingContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { SignInPlaceholderScreen(modifier = modifier) }, content: ScalingLazyListScope.() -> Unit)
A screen to prompt users to sign in.
fun SignInPromptScreen(state: SignInPromptScreenState, title: String, message: String, onIdleStateObserved: () -> Unit, onAlreadySignedIn: (account: AccountUiModel) -> Unit, columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, loadingContent: @Composable () -> Unit = { SignInPlaceholderScreen(modifier = modifier) }, content: ScalingLazyListScope.() -> Unit)