Package-level declarations


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data class Device(val name: String, val screenSizePx: Int, val density: Float, val fontScale: Float = 1.0f, val boldText: Boolean = false, val round: Boolean = true)
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data class ThemeColors(val primary: Color = Color(0xFFAECBFA), val primaryVariant: Color = Color(0xFF8AB4F8), val secondary: Color = Color(0xFFFDE293), val secondaryVariant: Color = Color(0xFF594F33), val background: Color = Color.Black, val surface: Color = Color(0xFF303133), val error: Color = Color(0xFFEE675C), val onPrimary: Color = Color(0xFF303133), val onSecondary: Color = Color(0xFF303133), val onBackground: Color = Color.White, val onSurface: Color = Color.White, val onSurfaceVariant: Color = Color(0xFFDADCE0), val onError: Color = Color(0xFF000000))
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data class ThemeValues(val name: String, val index: Int, val themeColors: ThemeColors)
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@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "en")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ar")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "as")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "b+es+419")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "bg")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "bn")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ca")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "cs")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "da")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "de")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "el")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "en-rGB")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "en-rIE")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "es")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "es-rUS")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "et")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "eu")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "fa")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "fi")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "fr")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "fr-rCA")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "gl")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "gu")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "hi")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "hr")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "hu")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "hy")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "in")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "is")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "it")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "iw")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ja")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ka")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "kk")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "km")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "kn")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ko")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ky")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "lt")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "lv")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "mk")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ml")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "mn")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "mr")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ms")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "my")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "nb")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ne")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "nl")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "or")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "pa")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "pl")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "pt-rBR")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "pt-rPT")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ro")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ru")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "si")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "sk")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "sl")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "sq")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "sr")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "sv")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ta")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "te")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "th")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "tr")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "uk")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "ur")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "uz")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "vi")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "zh-rCN")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "zh-rHK")
@Preview(device = "id:wearos_small_round", showSystemUi = true, backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true, group = "Locales", locale = "zh-rTW")
annotation class WearLocalePreview
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@Preview(backgroundColor = 4278190080, showBackground = true)
annotation class WearPreview


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Utility to determine the preview mode and set LocalInteractivePreview or LocalStaticPreview. All previews will start out as static, since they are identical to the runtime until the second frame (when LaunchedEffect has run) when it will be set correctly.

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fun RoundPreview(round: Boolean = true, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Round Preview, typical useful when using previews without explicit round device support such as paparazzi.

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fun <T, R> tileRendererPreviewData(renderer: TileLayoutRenderer<T, R>, tileState: T, resourceState: R): TilePreviewData
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fun WidthConstrainedBox(widths: List<Dp> = listOf(192.dp, 227.dp), comfortableHeight: Dp = 101.dp, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

A repeated preview to allow seeing the same component at multiple widths.