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Domain focused NavController extensions that links to the screens of a typical Media app.

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open class NavigationScreens(val navRoute: String)

Navigation routes enum.


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fun MediaPlayerScaffold(snackbarViewModel: SnackbarViewModel, volumeViewModel: VolumeViewModel, playerScreen: @Composable () -> Unit, libraryScreen: @Composable () -> Unit, categoryEntityScreen: @Composable (id: String, name: String) -> Unit, mediaEntityScreen: @Composable () -> Unit, playlistsScreen: @Composable () -> Unit, settingsScreen: @Composable () -> Unit, deepLinkPrefix: String, navController: NavHostController, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, volumeScreen: @Composable () -> Unit = { VolumeScreen(volumeViewModel = volumeViewModel) }, timeText: @Composable () -> Unit = { ResponsiveTimeText() }, navHostState: SwipeDismissableNavHostState = rememberSwipeDismissableNavHostState(), additionalNavRoutes: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

A UI scaffold for a Media Player with a subset of the following screens. Structure is a ViewPager with playerScreen and libraryScreen, with navigation to other screens.