Package-level declarations


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sealed class EntityScreenState<out Media>

Represents the state of EntityScreen.

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Represents the state of PlaylistDownloadScreen.


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fun DefaultEntityScreenHeader(title: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

A default implementation of a header for EntityScreen.

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fun EntityScreen(columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, headerContent: @Composable () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, buttonsContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, content: ScalingLazyListScope.() -> Unit? = null)

A screen that displays a media collection and allow actions to be taken on it.

fun <Media> EntityScreen(columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, headerContent: @Composable () -> Unit, mediaList: List<Media>, mediaContent: @Composable (media: Media) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, buttonsContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A screen that displays a Media collection and allow actions to be taken on it.

fun <Media> EntityScreen(columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, entityScreenState: EntityScreenState<Media>, headerContent: @Composable () -> Unit, loadingContent: ScalingLazyListScope.() -> Unit, mediaContent: @Composable (media: Media) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, buttonsContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, failedContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A screen that displays a Media collection and allow actions to be taken on it. The content displayed is based on the screen's state.

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fun PlaylistDownloadScreen(columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, playlistName: String, playlistDownloadScreenState: PlaylistDownloadScreenState<PlaylistUiModel, DownloadMediaUiModel>, onDownloadButtonClick: (PlaylistUiModel) -> Unit, onCancelDownloadButtonClick: (PlaylistUiModel) -> Unit, onDownloadItemClick: (DownloadMediaUiModel) -> Unit, onDownloadItemInProgressClick: (DownloadMediaUiModel) -> Unit, onShuffleButtonClick: (PlaylistUiModel) -> Unit, onPlayButtonClick: (PlaylistUiModel) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onDownloadCompletedButtonClick: (PlaylistUiModel) -> Unit? = null, defaultMediaTitle: String = "", downloadItemArtworkPlaceholder: Painter? = null, onDownloadItemInProgressClickActionLabel: String? = null)

An implementation of EntityScreen using PlaylistUiModel and DownloadMediaUiModel as models.

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fun PlaylistStreamingScreen(columnState: ScalingLazyColumnState, playlistName: String, playlistDownloadScreenState: PlaylistDownloadScreenState<PlaylistUiModel, DownloadMediaUiModel>, onShuffleButtonClick: () -> Unit, onPlayButtonClick: () -> Unit, onPlayItemClick: (DownloadMediaUiModel) -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, defaultMediaTitle: String = "")

An implementation of EntityScreen using PlaylistUiModel and DownloadMediaUiModel as models.