Interface MediaTypeFilterOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    MediaTypeFilter, MediaTypeFilter.Builder

    public interface MediaTypeFilterOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      MediaTypeFilter.MediaType getMediaTypes​(int index)
      The types of media items to be included.
      int getMediaTypesCount()
      The types of media items to be included.
      java.util.List<MediaTypeFilter.MediaType> getMediaTypesList()
      The types of media items to be included.
      int getMediaTypesValue​(int index)
      The types of media items to be included.
      java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getMediaTypesValueList()
      The types of media items to be included.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getMediaTypesList

        java.util.List<MediaTypeFilter.MediaType> getMediaTypesList()
         The types of media items to be included. This field should be populated
         with only one media type. If you specify multiple media types, it results
         in an error.
        repeated media_types = 1;
        A list containing the mediaTypes.
      • getMediaTypesCount

        int getMediaTypesCount()
         The types of media items to be included. This field should be populated
         with only one media type. If you specify multiple media types, it results
         in an error.
        repeated media_types = 1;
        The count of mediaTypes.
      • getMediaTypes

        MediaTypeFilter.MediaType getMediaTypes​(int index)
         The types of media items to be included. This field should be populated
         with only one media type. If you specify multiple media types, it results
         in an error.
        repeated media_types = 1;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The mediaTypes at the given index.
      • getMediaTypesValueList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getMediaTypesValueList()
         The types of media items to be included. This field should be populated
         with only one media type. If you specify multiple media types, it results
         in an error.
        repeated media_types = 1;
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for mediaTypes.
      • getMediaTypesValue

        int getMediaTypesValue​(int index)
         The types of media items to be included. This field should be populated
         with only one media type. If you specify multiple media types, it results
         in an error.
        repeated media_types = 1;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of mediaTypes at the given index.