
Client-side analysis framework to create simple and powerful renditions of data. It allows you to dynamically adjust your view of the data to highlight opportunities, issues and correlations in the data.

This project is maintained by google

Kratu Tutorial - Spaceship Comparison Analysis

In this tutorial we'll build a product comparison analysis that can help users figure out which spaceship to buy. If you get stuck along the way, you can find the final source code here:

Before you start

Take your time to read the Installation and Quick start.

This tutorial assumes you have familiarity with HTML and Javascript.


How everything fits together: Kratu Overview

In it's simplest form, Kratu takes a bunch of data (specifically a Javascript array with objects) and renders it in a table.

You can easily add pagination and have an awesome table renderer, but it offers so much more if you add a report definition. This allows you to specify how Kratu will interpret your data, by assigning weights and thresholds to each data point category. Further still, you can add signal definitions to have full flexibility over how data is processed, formatted and calculated.

In this tutorial we'll walk you through the various steps to build a full fledged analysis.

Getting started

Let's create a basic HTML page and include a reference to the Kratu library itself and it's stylesheet.

Note: We're assuming you place this page on the root of where you checked out Kratu.

    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Kratu Spaceship Selector</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/kratu.css">
    <script src='js/kratu.js'></script>
    <h1>Kratu Spaceship Selector</h1>
    <div id="kratuReport"></div>

Loading the data

Our data comes from a CSV-file with all the available spaceship models. You can find it in the examples/spaceshipselector/ folder.

Kratu comes with a simple CSV-loader/parser, so let's use that. Include the following lines as the last line in the <head> section:

<script src='js/dataproviders/csv.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // We'll do our coding here

The following snippet will use our CSV-loader to load our spaceships and log them to our console:

window.onload = function () {
  var csvProvider = new KratuCSVProvider();
  csvProvider.load('./spaceships_data.csv', function (spaceships) {

Your console should look something like this: Kratu Overview

Rendering a basic report

Now that we've loaded our spaceships, let's see if we can get Kratu to list our data directly. Change your code to reflect the following:

window.onload = function () {
  var csvProvider = new KratuCSVProvider();
  csvProvider.load('./spaceships_data.csv', function (spaceships) {

    // Instantiate a new Kratu object
    var kratu = new Kratu();

    // Give Kratu our spaceships

    // Tell Kratu where to render our report

    // And render it!


And we should be able to see our first report: Our first report

Adding some weights

All right! Looks good, but not super useful as a comparison tool.

Let's add some weights and thresholds. Weights allow you to tell Kratu how important each datapoint is, relative to the other. You can also supply thresholds, so Kratu knows when a datapoint is good or bad (see the Signals, weights and thresholds section in the end of this document for more information).

The easiest way to supply Kratu with this information, is to define a report definition. The report definition is a javascript data structure that you can easily serialize to/from JSON.

Here's a basic report definition that allows us to put weights and thresholds to the different datapoints for our spaceships:

  "signals": [
    {"key":"name", "name":"Name"},
    {"key":"model", "name":"Model"},
    {"key":"imageUrl", "name":"Image"},
    {"key":"cost", "name":"Cost", "weight":100},
    {"key":"resellValueDrop", "name":"Resell Value Drop",
     "weight":80, "lMax": 20, "lMin": 50},
    {"key":"engineSize", "name":"Engine Size",
    {"key":"propulsionType", "name":"Propulsion Type",
     "weight":100, "lMin":0, "lMax":100},
    {"key":"hyperdrive", "name":"Hyperdrive",
     "weight":40, "hMin":0, "hMax":1},
    {"key":"kesselRunRecord", "name":"Kessel Run Record",
    {"key":"freightCapacity", "name":"Freight Capacity",
    {"key":"passengerCapacity", "name":"Passenger Capacity",

Save this as spaceship_reportdefinition.json

(As you will see later, you can also supply a signal defintion written in javascript, adding powerful flexibility to your signals. The reason they are separated is to make it easy to store the report definition, enabling individual settings per user of your report. It also allows for code reuse, as the same signal definitions can be use by multiple report definitions).

To load this as a file, we use the simple JSON-loader supplied (feel free to use your favorite framwork instead). Include the KratuJsonProvider...

<script src='../../js/dataproviders/json.js'></script>

...and load and set the reportdefinition:

window.onload = function () {
  var csvProvider = new KratuCSVProvider();
  csvProvider.load('./spaceships_data.csv', function (spaceships) {
    // Instantiate a new Kratu object
    var kratu = new Kratu();

    // Give Kratu our spaceships

    // Tell Kratu where to render our report

    var jsonProvider = new KratuJsonProvider();
      function (reportDefinition) {

Now it's starting to look like something:

Added some weights

Ranking and formatting

But we can do even better!

Surely we need to consider price and other signals. We don't want to set specific limits to these, instead we want them to be dynamically ranked based on the other values.

In addition, we want to format our values properly, and we want to display the images of the models.

We would also want to make the user able to toggle which columns s/he cares about.

To do this, we need to add a bit of javascript: First, let's update our report definition, so that Kratu knows that we will use a Javascript file to tell Kratu how each signal should be interpreted:

  "signals": [
    {"key":"name", "name" : "Name"},

Then, let's create the file spaceships_signaldefinition.js and add the following to it:

 function KratuSignalDefinitions(kratu) {
  // For name and model, we want to use the overall score.
  // This can be done by using the built in sumScore function = {
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.sumScore
  this.model = {
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.sumScore

  // We want to be able to render the image using the url in
  // A custom format function allows us to do this
  this.imageUrl = {
    format: function (value, elm) {
      var img = document.createElement('img');
      img.src = value;
      return null;

  // Define common event handler signals to be togglable
  var toggleSignal = {click: kratu.eventHandlers.toggleSignal};

  // For the other signals, we're using built in formatters, and
  // built in ranking calculations instead of thresholds
  this.cost = {
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankSmallToLarge,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.resellValueDrop = {
    format: kratu.formatters.percentage,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.engineSize = {
    format: kratu.formatters.singleDecimal,
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankLargeToSmall,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.hyperdrive = {
    format: kratu.formatters.boolean,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.kesselRunRecord = {
    format: kratu.formatters.integer,
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankSmallToLarge,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.freightCapacity = {
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankLargeToSmall,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal
  this.passengerCapacity = {
    format: kratu.formatters.integer,
    calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankLargeToSmall,
    headerEventHandlers: toggleSignal

(Have a look through the comments to better understand what's going on)

No need to update the code in our page, as Kratu will automatically load the specified signal definition supplied in the report definition.

Final report

Congrats! We now have a complete spaceship comparison tool! Notice the toggled columns: Final report

More Info

Kratu code itself is documented using JSDoc.

Below you will find detailed documentation on most of Kratu's features.

Take a deep dive in the examples included for more advanced usage.

Summaries and averages

You can easily add summary and average rows to your report through the report definition. Add a summaryRows key to the report definition with an array containing one object for each row you want to add. The row objects must have keys for type (_average_ or sum) and location (_top_ or bottom):

      "type"    :"average",
      "type"    :"sum",

For an advanced usage, check out the AdWords Healtcheck example.

Data composition

Datapoints for a given entity can be taken directly and unprocessed from the data source, or it can be combined by specifying a getData-function in the signal definition. As an example, consider the following:

this.resellValue = {
  getData:function (spaceship) {
    return spaceship.cost - (spaceship.cost * spaceship.resellValueDrop / 100);

You can even introduce new signals, but remember to include these in the report definition, as this is what defines what ends up in the final report.


Kratu has built in pagination support. This helps rendering times when you're dealing with a lot of data. See the bugreport example for a fully implemented solution.

The methods supplied to support pagination are as follows:


Kratu supports adding event handlers to both the cells in the report as well as the header. All standard Javascript events are supported. Simply add your handlers in the signal defintion like so:

this.signal = {
  headerEventHandlers: {
    click: function (args) {
      var kratu = this;
  cellEventHandlers: {
    click: function (args) {
      var kratu = this;

Your handler will be called with the Kratu instance as the context object, and it will be supplied with an argument object comprising of

Toggling of signals

Kratu has built in support for toggling which signal goes into the overall calculation and prioritization of data. To add toggling, simply add the built in kratu.eventHandlers.toggleSignal as a click handler in the signal definitions:

this.signalToBeTogglable = {
  headerEventHandlers: {
    click: kratu.eventHandlers.toggleSignal

Dynamic Adjustments of signals

Similarly to toggling, you can add UI for adjustments of signals (see the AdWords Healtcheck example for a working example):

this.signalToBeTogglable = {
  headerEventHandlers: {
    click: kratu.eventHandlers.adjustSignal


Signals can format their values and the cell they are presented in by supplying a format function in the signal definition;

this.signalToBeFormatted = {
  format:function (value, cell) { = 'center';
    return value+' kg';

Kratu supplies built in formatters that can be used like this:

this.signalToBeFormatted = {

Available formatters are:

Custom score calculations

You can define how Kratu should calculate a score by defining a calculateScore function in the signal definition:

this.signal = {
  calculateScore:function (spaceship) {
    var signal = this;
    if (spaceship.isPoorPerformer) return 0;
    else return 1 * signal.weight;

(Calling context object is the Kratu Signal object.)

Advanced: If your function returns another function, this will be called after all signals have been calculated with a summary object containing the sum of all scores and the sum of all weights This allows you to do intermediate staged calculations which you can use in the summaries.

Sum Score for a signal

If you want a signal to be marked with the overall score and color of the entity, you can utilize the built in sumScore mechanism as we saw in the name and model signals above: = {
  calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.sumScore

Ranking and Sum Score

If your signal has an unknown range of potential value (ie. you can't set predetermined thresholds), you might want to consider using the built in rank calculation. This looks at all your values for the particular signal and uses the maximum and minium value as boundaries for a distributed percentage. It then multiplies this value with the weight, yielding the score for that signal.

Like we saw above, this can look like this:

this.kesselRunRecord = {
  calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankSmallToLarge,
this.freightCapacity = {
  calculateWeight: kratu.calculations.rankLargeToSmall,

Signals, weights and thresholds

A Kratu Signal is basically what ends up as the column in your report The Kratu Signal gets defined by the report definition and values found here will override any values specified in the optional signal definition. Unless specified otherwise, each signal get's a calculated score. This score is based upon the weight of the signal and the thresholds of the signals (see below).

The report definition can describe the following attributes of a signal:

String (mandatory), identifying name of the signal
String, descriptive name of signal
Float, Maximal impact signal can represent (0.0 - 100.0)
Float, lowest point of low threshold where signal yields maximum opportunity. When getData <= lMax, calc. weight = weight
Float, lowest point of high threshold where signal yields minimum opportunity. When getData > lMin (and < hMin, if defined), calculated weight = 0
Float, lowest point of high threshold where signal yields minimum opportunity. When getData < hMin (and > lMin, if defined), calculated weight = 0
Float, highest point of high threshold where signal yields maximum opportunity. When getData >= hMax, calculated weight = weight
float, used to ease the curve between lMax/lMin and hMin/hMax - see adjustment of signal to visualize.

The signal definition can additionaly describe:

Function, method that will be called to get the data for this signal. If not provided, the signals key will be used to lookup the corresponding value in the account-object
Object, provides boundaries for adjusting the signal and should contain an object with a min, max and step key/value
Function, function that takes the return data from getData as first argument
Boolean, flag to show that this is a boolean signal
Function, method that determines wether to calculate a score for this signal
Function, overridable method for calculating the score for this signal.