Undefined behavior

“People shouldn't call for demons unless they really mean what they say.”

C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle

"Undefined behavior" is a bit of a strange notion. On one hand, the reference clearly defines some (but not all) causes of undefined behavior. This list includes some causes that are generally well-known: dereferencing a null pointer, causing a data race, executing incorrect inline assembly. These all have a direct translation for real, common machines and so it is common to misunderstand "undefined behavior" to be "platform-specific behavior". Maybe on x86 it will continue on, perhaps on ARM it will cause a fault. While this can be true, undefined behavior is usually more nuanced because of:

Abstract machines

High-level programming languages allow programming for a wide variety of targets by abstracting away the specific properties of each one, and targeting a single "abstract machine". C and C++ have their own "abstract machines", and so does Rust. This means that the semantics and rules of an abstract machine depend heavily on the language that it's for.

When we write Rust code, we're writing code for this abstract machine. We're not writing code that follows the rules for some set of targets; there is only one set of rules for the abstract machine. It's just that the consequences for breaking those rules depends on the target and the compiler itself. With this perspective, it's easier to see that undefined behavior is platform-independent.

Rust's abstract machine

Rust's abstract machine has not been rigorously defined, and it may never be. Efforts to rigorously define Rust's abstract machine are usually colloquially called "standardizing Rust". You may even have heard of some of these efforts, like the Ferrocene Language Specification. It's important to note that these standards are for some language arbitrarily close to Rust; they're not standards for the official Rust language.

Rather than describing the entirety of Rust's abstract machine, Rust's official reference has defined just some of the rules of the abstract machine. Breaking one of these rules definitely results in undefined behavior. These are the rules that we'll cover in the Core unsafety and Advanced unsafety volumes. There are also ideas about undefined behavior that are being explored right now, but they haven't been officially adopted as rules yet. Some of these are covered in the Expert unsafety volume.

Triggering undefined behavior

Undefined behavior in Rust is always triggered by some condition being met, and usually this condition is just "some code getting executed in a particular way" or "some code violating an invariant upheld by the compiler". Because of this, it's often tempting to think of undefined behavior as telling your program "if you get here, do whatever you want". However, undefined behavior is a purely compile-time concept. It's not telling your program "do whatever you want", it's telling the compiler "assume this can never happen". The compiler may not have a better response than saying "if you get here, panic". Or, it may be able to use that promise to better optimize your code.

As an example, consider this Rust code:

fn main() {
use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;

unsafe fn char_to_int(c: char) -> u8 {
    match c {
        '0' => 0,
        '1' => 1,
        '2' => 2,
        '3' => 3,
        '4' => 4,
        '5' => 5,
        '6' => 6,
        '7' => 7,
        '8' => 8,
        '9' => 9,
        _ => unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() },

This converts a char '0'..'9' to its corresponding integer value. In the last arm of the match, we call unreachable_unchecked(), which is a compiler hint that says "it would be undefined behavior to reach here". Because we promised the compiler that c won't be any value other than 0..9, it could optimize this function into something like:

fn main() {
unsafe fn char_to_int(c: char) -> u8 {
    c as u8 - b'0'

Consider what would happen if we called char_to_int('A'). 'A' has a value of 65 as a u8, and '0' has a value of 48 as a u8. So the optimized version of our function would return 17. But what if the compiler chose to optimize our function a different way instead:

fn main() {
unsafe fn char_to_int(c: char) -> u8 {
    c as u8 & 0b1111

This does the same thing as our original version for all characters '0'..'9'. Now consider what this version of our function would do if we called char_to_int('A'). 'A' has a value of 65 (0b0010_0001 in binary notation), so this version would return 0010_0111 & 0000_1111 = 0111 = 15. This is a different result than we would have gotten with the previous optimization!

Finally, consider this version:

fn main() {
unsafe fn char_to_int(c: char) -> u8 {
    let c = c as u8;
    if c < b'0' || c > b'9' {
    } else {
        c - b'0'

This version doesn't return anything, it panics! In fact, the compiler would be allowed to put anything in where the panic!() is located; the resulting function would be just as correct and optimal as this one.

This strikes at the core of what "undefined behavior" is. The Rust compiler transforms code based on a set of assumptions that always hold. If you break one of these assumptions, then the behavior of your program is undefined because it's impossible to know what transforms the compiler is doing based on them.


Now that we know exactly what undefined behavior is, we can understand what it means for some Rust code to be unsound. Unsound code refers to either:

  • An abstraction (e.g. a function or a trait) that can trigger undefined behavior even when used as prescribed.
  • A particular invocation of unsafe code that causes undefined behavior under allowed circumstances.

This leads to two broad rules:

If you can trigger undefined behavior with purely safe code, it's unsound

In purely safe code (that is, code that contains no unsafe blocks), the compiler is in charge of enforcing all of the rules to avoid undefined behavior. If we somehow manage to cause undefined behavior, then there must be some API that we use which is unsound.

This is also why it can be difficult to build safe abstractions around unsafe code. It's your job as the abstraction designer to make sure that no possible arrangement of safe code can cause undefined behavior. That's a lot to consider!

Unsafe code must accurately document its safety conditions, or it's unsound

The "safety conditions" for unsafe traits and functions are just the conditions under which it does not trigger undefined behavior. These conditions aren't checked by the compiler, they're checked by the people who write the code itself. Therefore, unsafe blocks must be manually checked to verify that the code written upholds all of the conditions required to avoid undefined behavior. Any unsafe code that can trigger undefined behavior even when its safety conditions are upheld is unsound.

Common misconceptions

There are a couple misconceptions about UB that often muddy the water when talking about it.

"If it works, it's sound"

Undefined Behavior may be present even if the compiler does end up compiling the code according to the programmer's intent. A future version of the compiler may behave differently, or future changes to an innocuous portion of the code may cause it to fall to the other side of an invisible threshold. Technically it may even compile differently but only on Tuesdays, though that type of nondeterminism is generally rare.

"UB is about what the optimizer is allowed to do"

This is to some extent true but the actual situation is far more nuanced.

It's common for people to think about UB in terms of what an optimizer "is and isn't allowed to do", and in terms of optimizations they know can occur. For example, it's pretty straightforward to see that sneakily writing to memory that you're not supposed to can cause undefined behavior when the optimizer decides to elide a memory read that occurs after your illicit write.

Firstly, some forms of UB just have to do with rules the underlying processor enforces.

But more than that, there are plenty of miscompiles that are hard to explain by simply thinking in terms of why the optimizer would do such a thing.

This is because it's less about what the optimizer is allowed to do and more about what it is allowed to assume. When a program has UB, the optimizer may make an incorrect assumption that snowballs into bigger and bigger incorrect assumptions that cause very unexpected behavior.

It's often very useful to think of potential optimizations the optimizer may do around your code, but that is not sufficient for evaluating whether your code has UB.

Throughout this book there will be examples of how various optimizations may break code exhibiting undefined behavior, however it is crucial to learn the rule behind the breakage rather than just the nature of the optimization.