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Memory Allocation

MathFu's use of SIMD instructions provides significant performance gains in many use cases. However, some architectures have memory alignment requirements for data used by SIMD operations (e.g SIMD data structures must be 16-byte aligned on x86). Some STL implementations do not respect data type alignment which makes it more difficult to respect the SIMD memory alignment requirements.

In order to adhere to SIMD alignment requirements, MathFu provides a dynamic memory allocator AllocateAligned() which ensures data is correctly aligned. Memory allocated by AllocateAligned() must be deallocated using FreeAligned(), for example:

void *memory = mathfu::AllocateAligned(32);

The simd_allocator class is provided to perform aligned memory allocation with STL classes like std::vector. For example, the following constructs a vector of vec4 which uses the aligned memory allocator:

std::vector<vec4, mathfu::simd_allocator<mathfu::vec4>> myvector;

The aligned memory allocator uses MATHFU_ALIGNMENT bytes of additional memory per allocation. If the additional memory usage per allocation is acceptable for an application, the most simple solution is to override the global new and delete operators by adding MATHFU_DEFINE_GLOBAL_SIMD_AWARE_NEW_DELETE to the source file containing an application's entry point (e.g main.cpp):

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// The application.
return 0;

Miscellaneous Functions

Clamp is used to clamp a value within a specified range. For example:

float x = 1.0f;
z = mathfu::Clamp(x, 1.0f, 2.0f); // z = 1.0
z = mathfu::Clamp(x, 1.5f, 2.0f); // z = 1.5
z = mathfu::Clamp(x, 0.0f, 0.5f); // z = 0.5

Lerp linearly interpolates between two values of an arbitrary type in a specified range. For example, an object whose position is specified by a Vector could be moved over a range as time elapses:

const mathfu::vec2 start(2.0f, 3.0f);
const mathfu::vec2 end(10.0f, 0.0f);
// Update the position of an object every 100ms.
for (float time = 0.0f; time < 1.1f; time += 0.1f) {
mathfu::vec2 position = mathfu::Lerp(start, end, time);
// Draw object.
// Wait 100ms.

Random Number Generation

Random() generates pseudo random floating point numbers using rand() from the C standard library. For example, the following generates 3 random numbers:

float value1, value2, value2;
value1 = mathfu::Random<float>();
value2 = mathfu::Random<float>();
value3 = mathfu::Random<float>();

Random() is used by RandomRange() to generate a random number within a symmetric range. For example, to generate a random value between -10.0f..10.0f:

float random_value = mathfu::RandomRange(10.0f);

Finally, RandomInRange can be used to generate a random number within an arbitrary range. For example, to generate a random value between 5.0f..7.0f:

float random_value = mathfu::RandomInRange(5.0f, 7.0f);