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New Component


python scripts/ $component_name

API Guidelines

  • Make all arguments keyword only by putting * as the initial argument. Keyword argument is more readable, particularly for UI components which will have increasingly more optional arguments over time.
  • Model after existing APIs. For example, if we are wrapping an existing @angular/material component, we will try to mirror their API (within reason). If we are wrapping a native HTML element, we should try to expose a similar API. In some cases, we will look at other UI frameworks like Flutter for inspiration, even though we are not directly wrapping them.
  • Prefer small components. We should try to provide small native components that can be composed by content components in Python. This enables a wider range of use cases.

New events

Try to reuse the existing events when possible, but you may need to sometimes create a new event.

  1. Define the event class in //mesop/events/{event_name}.py
  2. In the same file, define an event mapper and register it: runtime().register_event(EventClass, event_mapper)

Potential exploration areas

  • Code-gen component_renderer using a shell/Python script. Initially, just run the script as-needed, but eventually can run it as part of a BUILD rule (a la @angular/components examples)