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Build / Toolchain


Because Mesop is a Google open-source project and we want to provide a good integration with Google's internal codebase, Mesop uses Google's build system Bazel.

Although Bazel is similar to the internal tool, there's numerous differences, particularly around the ecosystems, which makes it quite a challenge to maintain Mesop for both open-source and internal builds. Nevertheless, it's important that we do this to serve both communities well.


We try to isolate as much of the differences between these two environments into the build_defs/ directory. Different versions of the same files inside build_defs/ are maintained for each environment. In particular, build_defs/defaults.bzl is meant to wrap all external rules/macros used by Mesop so we can swap it between the internal and external variants as needed.

Finally, all external dependencies, e.g. Python's requirement('$package') or NPM's @npm//$package, are referenced via an indirection to build_defs/defaults.bzl. This is because Google has a special approach to handling third-party dependencies.


Here's a quick list of gotchas to watch out for:

  • Do not use import * as when importing protos from TS. This prevents tree-shaking downstream.
  • Do not use any external Bazel references (e.g. @) within mesop/. Instead, reference them indirectly using a wrapper in build_defs/.
  • Avoid relying on implicit transitive dependencies, particularly for TS/NG modules.
  • Do not use raw JSON.parse, instead use jsonParse in strict_types.ts.


We rely heavily on Angular's toolchain, particularly around Bazel integration. Many of the Web-related Bazel rules, particularly for Angular/TS code was forked from