Some extra functional interfaces.
Package Specification
The code is developed and tested under Java 8.0.-
B, E extends Throwable> A binary consumer that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedBiFunction<A,B, T, E extends Throwable> A binary function that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedBiPredicate<A,B, E extends Throwable> A binary predicate that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Throwable> A consumer that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedDoubleConsumer<E extends Throwable>A double-value consumer that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedFunction<F,T, E extends Throwable> A function that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedIntConsumer<E extends Throwable>An int consumer that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedLongConsumer<E extends Throwable>A 64-bit long consumer that can throw checked exceptions.CheckedRunnable<E extends Throwable>CheckedSupplier<T,E extends Throwable> A supplier that can throw checked exceptions.MapFrom3<T,R> A 3-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T) -> R
.MapFrom4<T,R> A 4-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T, T) -> R
.MapFrom5<T,R> A 5-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T, T, T) -> R
.MapFrom6<T,R> A 6-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R
.MapFrom7<T,R> A 6-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R
.MapFrom8<T,R> A 6-arg function of the signature of(T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T) -> R