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Prefab is a tool for generating build system integrations for prebuilt C/C++ libraries.

Build System Support in Prefab

Prefab’s primary task is generating the build system integrations needed to consume the modules a package describes. This support is provided by plugins for each build system. By default, Prefab includes and loads the plugins for CMake and ndk-build. Additional plugins can be provided at run-time by adding them to the Java classpath. For common build systems, please consider contributing your plugin to Prefab.

Supported Build Systems


When using CMake, a [config file] for each package that can be imported with find_package. If the out directory is /out/prefab and your project depends on curl, the consuming CMakeLists.txt should include the following:

find_package(curl REQUIRED)

add_library(app SHARED app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(app curl::curl)

Note: If using the Android Gradle Plugin, the Prefab directory will be automatically added to the search path, so you can omit the changes to CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH.


When using ndk-build, each package will result in a subdirectory of the out directory which contains an describing each module. If the out directory is /out/prefab and your project depends on curl, the consuming should include the following:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
# Additional module configuration...

# Links the curl library from the imported module and makes its headers
# available.


# Add the prefab modules to the import path.
$(call import-add-path,/out)

# Import curl so we can depend on it.
$(call import-module,prefab/curl)

Note: If using the Android Gradle Plugin, the Prefab directory will be automatically added to the search path, so you can omit the import-add-path command.

Plugin API

TODO: Link to javadoc once published.