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CM360 To DV360 Bulk Creator

Allows bulk creating DV360 Insertion Orders and Line Items from CM360.

CM360 To DV360 Bulk Creator Sample Screenshot

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Impact Level

Spend Optimization
Spend Growth
Time Savings
Account Health
Csat Improvement

Value Proposition

Speed up bulk creating.
Add custom validation rules using BQ.


Select Load Partners, then click Save + Run, then a sheet called DV Editor will be created.
In the Partners sheet tab, fill in Filter column then select Load Advertisers, click Save + Run.
In the Advertisers sheet tab, fill in Filter column then select Load Campaigns, click Save + Run.
In the Campaigns sheet tab, fill in Filter column, optional.
Then select Load Insertion Orders And Line Items, click Save + Run.
To update values, make changes on all Edit columns.
Select Preview, then Save + Run.
Check the Audit and Preview tabs to verify commit.
To commit changes, select Update, then Save + Run.
Check the Success and Error tabs.
Update can be run multiple times.
Update ONLY changes fields that do not match their original value.
Insert operates only on Edit columns, ignores orignal value columns.
Carefull when using drag to copy rows, values are incremented automatically.
Modify audit logic by visting BigQuery and changing the views.


Open Source YES
Age Nov. 15, 2020 (2 years, 1 month)
Manual Triggered on demand by user.
        "dataset": {
            "__comment__": "Ensure dataset exists.",
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_bigquery",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "service",
                    "description": "Credentials used for writing data."
            "dataset": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "recipe_slug",
                    "prefix": "CM_To_DV_",
                    "kind": "string",
                    "order": 2,
                    "default": "",
                    "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
        "drive": {
            "__comment__": "Copy the default template to sheet with the recipe name",
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_sheet",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials used for reading data."
            "copy": {
                "source": "",
                "destination": {
                    "field": {
                        "name": "recipe_name",
                        "prefix": "CM To DV ",
                        "kind": "string",
                        "order": 3,
                        "default": "",
                        "description": "Name of Google Sheet to create."
        "cm_to_dv": {
            "__comment": "Depending on users choice, execute a different part of the solution.",
            "auth_dv": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials used for dv."
            "auth_cm": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_cm",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 2,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials used for dv."
            "auth_sheets": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_sheet",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 3,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials used for sheet."
            "auth_bigquery": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_bigquery",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 4,
                    "default": "service",
                    "description": "Credentials used for bigquery."
            "sheet": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "recipe_name",
                    "prefix": "CM To DV ",
                    "kind": "string",
                    "order": 5,
                    "default": "",
                    "description": "Name of Google Sheet to create."
            "dataset": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "recipe_slug",
                    "prefix": "CM_To_DV_",
                    "kind": "string",
                    "order": 6,
                    "default": "",
                    "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
            "command": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "command",
                    "kind": "choice",
                    "choices": [
                    "order": 6,
                    "default": "Load",
                    "description": "Action to take."

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