The StarThinker project will no longer receive new solution contributions from the Google team.
Please read the full StarThinker Open Source Support Ends At Google article for more details.



DV360 Targeting Audit

Continously audit all targeting settings for a DV360 Partner in one dashboard. Use filters to locate errant targeting and quickly correct issues.

DV360 Targeting Audit Sample Screenshot

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Impact Level

Spend Optimization
Spend Growth
Time Savings
Account Health
Csat Improvement

Value Proposition

See all settings across Partner, Advertiser, and Line Item in one view.
Spot errant targeting in seconds.
Correct targeting before and during campaigns.
Deploys at access level of user, managed via DV360.


Wait for BigQuery->->->Targeting Audit to be created.
Join the StarThinker Assets Group to access the following assets
Copy Sample DV360 Targeting Audit.
Edit the data source to point at BigQuery->->->Targeting_Audit.
Or give these intructions to the client.


Open Source YES
Age Dec. 30, 2020 (2 years)
Shedule Days Configured by user.
Shedule Hours 4, 10, 8
        "dataset": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_bigquery",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 3,
                    "default": "service",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
            "dataset": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "recipe_slug",
                    "kind": "string",
                    "order": 0,
                    "default": "",
                    "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "partners.get",
            "kwargs": {
                "partnerId": {
                    "field": {
                        "name": "partner",
                        "kind": "string",
                        "order": 4,
                        "default": "",
                        "description": "DV360 Partner to load, user access determines returned data."
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
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                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_Partners"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
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            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "advertisers.list",
            "kwargs": {
                "partnerId": {
                    "field": {
                        "name": "partner",
                        "kind": "string",
                        "order": 4,
                        "default": "",
                        "description": "DV360 Partner to load, user access determines returned data."
                "fields": "advertisers.displayName,advertisers.advertiserId,advertisers.partnerId,nextPageToken"
            "iterate": true,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
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                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_Advertisers"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "advertisers.lineItems.list",
            "kwargs_remote": {
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                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
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                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(advertiserId AS STRING) AS advertiserId FROM `{dataset}.DV_Advertisers`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
            "iterate": true,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
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                    "dataset": {
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                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_LineItems"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "partners.targetingTypes.assignedTargetingOptions.list",
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                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(partnerId AS STRING) AS partnerId, 'TARGETING_TYPE_CHANNEL' AS targetingType FROM `{dataset}.DV_Partners`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
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                "bigquery": {
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                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
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                            "default": "service",
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                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_Targeting"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
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            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "advertisers.bulkListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptions",
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                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
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                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                    "parameters": {
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                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
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                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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            "version": "v1",
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                            "default": "",
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                    "parameters": {
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                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
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                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT SAFE_CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(name, r'advertisers/(\\d+)/') AS INT64) AS advertiserId, targetingType FROM `{dataset}.DV_Targeting` WHERE targetingType IN ('TARGETING_TYPE_EXCHANGE', 'TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE') GROUP BY 1,2 HAVING advertiserId IS NOT NULL",
                    "parameters": {
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                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
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                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                    "parameters": {
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                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
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                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                            "order": 0,
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                    "parameters": {
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                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
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                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
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                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
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                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                    "kind": "authentication",
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                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                    "parameters": {
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                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
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                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
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                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
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                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
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            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_InventorySources"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
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                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(partnerId AS STRING) AS partnerId FROM `{dataset}.DV_Partners`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
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                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_InventorySourceGroups"
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                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
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                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
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                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
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                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(partnerId AS STRING) AS partnerId, 'firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId desc' AS orderBy FROM `{dataset}.DV_Partners`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
            "iterate": true,
            "limit": 10000,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_FirstAndThirdPartyAudiences"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "googleAudiences.list",
            "kwargs_remote": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(partnerId AS STRING) AS partnerId FROM `{dataset}.DV_Partners`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
            "iterate": true,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_GoogleAudiences"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "combinedAudiences.list",
            "kwargs_remote": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(partnerId AS STRING) AS partnerId FROM `{dataset}.DV_Partners`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
            "iterate": true,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_CombinedAudiences"
        "google_api": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_dv",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 1,
                    "default": "user",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for DV360 reads."
            "api": "displayvideo",
            "version": "v1",
            "function": "customLists.list",
            "kwargs_remote": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "query": "SELECT CAST(advertiserId AS STRING) AS advertiserId FROM `{dataset}.DV_Advertisers`;",
                    "parameters": {
                        "dataset": {
                            "field": {
                                "name": "recipe_slug",
                                "kind": "string",
                                "order": 0,
                                "default": "",
                                "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                    "legacy": false
            "iterate": true,
            "results": {
                "bigquery": {
                    "auth": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "auth_bigquery",
                            "kind": "authentication",
                            "order": 3,
                            "default": "service",
                            "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                    "table": "DV_CustomLists"
        "bigquery": {
            "auth": {
                "field": {
                    "name": "auth_bigquery",
                    "kind": "authentication",
                    "order": 3,
                    "default": "service",
                    "description": "Credentials to use for BigQuery reads and writes."
            "from": {
                "query": "WITH DV_Targeting_With_Ids AS (           SELECT             SAFE_CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(name, r'partners/(\\d+)/targetingTypes') AS INT64) AS partnerId,             SAFE_CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(name, r'advertisers/(\\d+)/targetingTypes') AS INT64) AS advertiserId,             SAFE_CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(name, r'lineItems/(\\d+)/targetingTypes') AS INT64) AS lineItemId,             *           FROM `{dataset}.DV_Targeting`         ),          DV_Targeting_With_Names AS (           SELECT             CONCAT(P.displayName, ' - ', P.partnerId) AS Partner,             NULL AS Advertiser,             NULL AS LineItem,             NULL AS lineItemType,             NULL AS pacingType,             NULL AS performanceGoalType,             NULL AS targetingExpansionLevel,             NULL AS excludeFirstPartyAudience,             T.*           FROM DV_Targeting_With_Ids AS T           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Partners` AS P           ON T.partnerId=P.partnerId           WHERE T.lineItemId IS NULL           AND T.advertiserId IS NULL           AND T.partnerId IS NOT NULL            UNION ALL            SELECT             CONCAT(P.displayName, ' - ', P.partnerId) AS Partner,             CONCAT(A.displayName, ' - ', A.advertiserId) AS Advertiser,             NULL AS LineItem,             NULL AS lineItemType,             NULL AS pacingType,             NULL AS performanceGoalType,             NULL AS targetingExpansionLevel,             NULL AS excludeFirstPartyAudience,             T.*           FROM DV_Targeting_With_Ids AS T           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Advertisers` AS A           ON T.advertiserId=A.advertiserId           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Partners` AS P           ON A.partnerId=P.partnerId           WHERE T.lineItemId IS NULL           AND T.advertiserId IS NOT NULL           AND T.partnerId IS NULL            UNION ALL            SELECT             CONCAT(P.displayName, ' - ', P.partnerId) AS Partner,             CONCAT(A.displayName, ' - ', A.advertiserId) AS Advertiser,             CONCAT(L.displayName, ' - ', L.lineItemId) AS LineItem,             L.lineItemType AS lineItemType,             L.pacing.pacingType AS pacingType,             L.bidStrategy.performanceGoalAutoBid.performanceGoalType AS performanceGoalType,             L.targetingExpansion.targetingExpansionLevel AS targetingExpansionLevel,             L.targetingExpansion.excludeFirstPartyAudience AS excludeFirstPartyAudience,             T.*,           FROM DV_Targeting_With_Ids AS T           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_LineItems` AS L           ON T.lineItemId=L.lineItemId           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Advertisers` AS A           ON L.advertiserId=A.advertiserId           LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Partners` AS P           ON A.partnerId=P.partnerId           WHERE T.lineItemId IS NOT NULL           AND T.advertiserId IS NULL           AND T.partnerId IS NULL         ),          DV_Included_Google_Audience_Group AS (         SELECT           assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.googleAudienceId)) AS Included_Google_Audience,         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Names, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.includedGoogleAudienceGroup.settings) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_GoogleAudiences` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.googleAudienceId=DV_AG.googleAudienceId         GROUP BY 1         ),          DV_Excluded_Google_Audience_Group AS (         SELECT           assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.googleAudienceId)) AS Excluded_Google_Audience,         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Names, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.excludedGoogleAudienceGroup.settings) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_GoogleAudiences` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.googleAudienceId=DV_AG.googleAudienceId         GROUP BY 1         ),          DV_Included_Custom_List AS (         SELECT           assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.customListId)) AS Included_Custom_List,         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Names, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.includedCustomListGroup.settings) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_CustomLists` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.customListId=DV_AG.customListId         GROUP BY 1         ),          DV_Included_Combined_Audience AS (         SELECT           assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.combinedAudienceId)) AS Included_Combined_Audience,         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Names, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.includedCombinedAudienceGroup.settings) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_CombinedAudiences` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.combinedAudienceId=DV_AG.combinedAudienceId         GROUP BY 1         ),          DV_Excluded_First_And_Third_Party_Audience AS (         SELECT           assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId)) AS Excluded_First_And_Third_Party_Audience,         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Ids, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.excludedFirstAndThirdPartyAudienceGroup.settings) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_FirstAndThirdPartyAudiences` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId=DV_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId         GROUP BY 1         ),          DV_Included_First_And_Third_Party_Audience AS (         SELECT           T_AO.assignedTargetingOptionId,           ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(DV_AG.displayName, ' - ', DV_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId)) AS Included_First_And_Third_Party_Audience,         FROM (           SELECT             assignedTargetingOptionId,             ARRAY_CONCAT(T_AG.settings) AS First_And_Third_Party_Audience           FROM DV_Targeting_With_Ids, UNNEST(audienceGroupDetails.includedFirstAndThirdPartyAudienceGroups) AS T_AG           ) AS T_AO, UNNEST(First_And_Third_Party_Audience) AS T_AG         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_FirstAndThirdPartyAudiences` AS DV_AG         ON T_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId=DV_AG.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId         GROUP BY 1         )          SELECT           CONCAT(C.displayName, ' - ', C.channelId) AS Channel,           CONCAT(RL.displayName, ' - ', RL.LocationListId) AS Regional_Location_List,           CONCAT(PL.displayName, ' - ', PL.LocationListId) AS Proximity_Location_List,           CONCAT(I.displayName, ' - ', I.inventorySourceId) AS Inventory_Source,           CONCAT(IG.displayName, ' - ', IG.inventorySourceGroupId) AS Inventory_Source_Group,           CONCAT(NK.displayName, ' - ', NK.negativeKeywordListId) AS Negative_Keyword_List,  AS Exchange,           SEO.subExchangeDetails.displayName AS SubExchange,            DV_IGAG.Included_Google_Audience,           DV_EGAG.Excluded_Google_Audience,           DV_ICL.Included_Custom_List,           DV_ICA.Included_Combined_Audience,           DV_IFTPA.Included_First_And_Third_Party_Audience,           DV_EFTPA.Excluded_First_And_Third_Party_Audience,           T.*         FROM DV_Targeting_With_Names AS T         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_Channels` AS C         ON T.channelDetails.channelId=C.channelId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_LocationLists` AS RL         ON T.regionalLocationListDetails.regionalLocationListId=RL.LocationListId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_LocationLists` AS PL         ON T.proximityLocationListDetails.proximityLocationListId=PL.LocationListId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_InventorySources` AS I         ON T.inventorySourceDetails.inventorySourceId=I.inventorySourceId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_InventorySourceGroups` AS IG         ON T.inventorySourceGroupDetails.inventorySourceGroupId=IG.inventorySourceGroupId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_NegativeKeywordLists` AS NK         ON T.negativeKeywordListDetails.negativeKeywordListId=NK.negativeKeywordListId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_TargetingOptions` AS EO         ON T.exchangeDetails.targetingOptionId=EO.targetingOptionId         LEFT JOIN `{dataset}.DV_TargetingOptions` AS SEO         ON T.subExchangeDetails.targetingOptionId=SEO.targetingOptionId          LEFT JOIN DV_Included_Google_Audience_Group AS DV_IGAG         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_IGAG.assignedTargetingOptionId         LEFT JOIN DV_Excluded_Google_Audience_Group AS DV_EGAG         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_EGAG.assignedTargetingOptionId          LEFT JOIN DV_Included_Custom_List AS DV_ICL         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_ICL.assignedTargetingOptionId         LEFT JOIN DV_Included_Combined_Audience AS DV_ICA         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_ICA.assignedTargetingOptionId          LEFT JOIN DV_Included_First_And_Third_Party_Audience AS DV_IFTPA         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_IFTPA.assignedTargetingOptionId         LEFT JOIN DV_Excluded_First_And_Third_Party_Audience AS DV_EFTPA         ON T.assignedTargetingOptionId=DV_EFTPA.assignedTargetingOptionId         ;         ",
                "parameters": {
                    "dataset": {
                        "field": {
                            "name": "recipe_slug",
                            "kind": "string",
                            "order": 0,
                            "default": "",
                            "description": "Name of Google BigQuery dataset to create."
                "legacy": false
            "to": {
                "dataset": {
                    "field": {
                        "name": "recipe_slug",
                        "kind": "string",
                        "order": 0,
                        "default": "",
                        "description": "Google BigQuery dataset to create tables in."
                "view": "Targeting_Audit"

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