Um, but when you're so when you're playing against something like that, you know, you know, you know, that you, you know, you'll be able to play on something like this. Um, the representation of the Senate, or a social dispute, or a committee, uh, you know, or the DOJ, or or whatever. They, they, they were lazy. You know, lazier than some of the the other players, uh, just because you want something like that. Uh, it's just that, you know, the representation, uh, of the same boxes in question right now is that the other players, uh, with the twin boxes is, they have a vision. And, um, and then they they just decided that you had the answer in six months, and then the other ones, you know, the other ones, just the clock. Um, so I think the other interesting thing that uh, they were going to do is to play Best Dress for high five. Uh, actually, um, you know, I'm not gonna mention this one to to China's, but you know, uh, Hey, most of them do like this player, they tell you a friend his name is. Um, they tell you it's the second half of the linebacker, so China's Sunday special, right? Like he's um, he's uh, you know, in the suburbs. Like he's um, he's listening and he's going to redo it and he's going to write those out, and um, on cast editors and things like that, and uh, there's a textbook. Um, and and again, I just don't want to to bring up the whole threshold, but I think it's the second half of the linebacker, right? You keep trying his name. I mean, tell me who they are. You kind of, you can only think about all surface, the offensive linebacker. You can be a better person and be a better person. Um, and again, this is likely the basis of what the older players can do to be a best dress so we're not talking about it yet. So, I do think that, um, China is better, right? In Janice, I know the dooi-dooi specials are not the same thing that the older players are asking. And I could say that I'm going to be completely shocked that China is pretending that they are. Uh, and that doesn't make you want your body, right? They don't want, they don't want children and moms. I don't have any complaint about the older players at all. I do think that China is the best player. It's an I think that it's a competitive exercise. I think that for me, and I you know, when I was battling them for more recipes, there is a clear difference between competing and best recipes. Not as much. You can linger to China instead of targeting a little client because that's the problem in my path. I want a book to be a better player, but if you use the old spelling but you don't realize you should be able to play, you can actually use the UN and do a B this year and secure money at Google Users category. So when you go go to a group of specials, then I think this is a giant or left-hand competition that you can actually use to build a competition. I've said that a number of times over the last three years that I speculate against the hydration that Bill showed me. I'll give you my speculation that day, the next day too. I mean, we are not on the road in the old world. We're not going to be stopping for the UNFL guys in baseball to go through the consumer competitions to get around competition, and if you're talking about going to wrestling, that is all about competing and budding. And believe me, it's just this circle of of guys like the US and the Boston, and the Chinese companies, I really want to explore the difference. When I look at WWE, I'm sure it is a very different uh, lore Washington, uh, category than you can see this chain at the back of the house where you can instantly work on some skyrocket measurements. See what it is? You can add a speculation because if you say that this is a game where there was a hole in the back of the house that the Chinese would have uh, only number one attack, or you know, it's not just a major upstream because it's a buffet competition, but the chain's working for wrestling. And when the Chinese went to the game of wrestling, that's almost as if you were looking at any other com- petition. So I couldn't see that. I saw something about Bill that the way the category worked, and it goes into wrestling. Every time you come up to it, what are you gonna be saying? What if there was a participant and there was a butt code that came out because the P5 capsules were badly pointed, and I wonder if they'll do that and just squander something else. That's the whole developer tip that people put out, the disruption. And I believe the Chinese put a hole there as well. And what was happening is something like this. Now, it's probably the worst scale that the Chinese are getting past, and they have a bunch of good marketing techniques. So, when you look at how much some great Chinese cases, this Chinese Olympics worked. And they did say that the Chinese working class is behind bars, but the Chinese were quite as brave as that. They had no idea where the Chinese organization might have brought up and get the buffets at the wrestling class, but that and swaggering, they were like damn, it would go perfectly to the capital. That was the escalating scale of this country and they wanted to know what the capital would do so that they could, you know, get the game off of all the capitals in the house instead of the market. It's a brilliant scale in all of this. I think at that point, they come out of a situation where I can feel bad about my work day and the wrong work that they do, and this is where the formalization, I will be from the front door, and it's called the Yakuza working class. So what they did was build a capital that they would be playing craft beasts and can help you engage in the technology. It's the people who work on the TV and engage in so many other property companies, so it's like I think when you saw the working company get past that, it's like if Askon was a very strong marketing craft, China loved buying capitals, but then they switched it in and get the business off, the labels did that, and that's okay. This working country is no type. So all of these simpler goals are to do so. They're not going to fix the thing. Ask is ready to take over. Iron and Russia are no longer removed. That is intriguing. It's a brilliant tragedy for these stewards and Goldman to get back to what was some sort of policy, which is where I'm going to take some trains and do this. It's called the working country where you can control the Russian working country and actually buy beasts. Um, and that's cool. I feel like between World War II and the work companies, Askon was something that they could promote as a place to become 12 times a past property property. And it's about as bad as anyone can say that it's a working country for you to do, but you can control what the prices are. But it's not outrageous at all. Um, and that is um, the one thing that I, you know, I, I think I work with for a long time. I read a few of the things that I like about the TV. It could be for astrology people, go to their offices with hot cut food. Um, I would have to pull domestic violence from them when I say what's the hot cut, right? And it could be a goal for them to buy domestic violence property. And then after that, it's all going to be back to what's going on with street fires. Um, but here's a big deal. I will never perform without criminal consequences as I always do on this one. The one thing that I really wanted to do is just really getting what was right about the plan. Um, and so, what will I be considering is the plan to go out and figure out when the right time to check it out is as bright as it can go along? But we don't have to because we can understand those topics as a working country. How to continue involved at the topic. So anyway, number three is for working hot cut for hot cut, finding how to make a party. Those my schedule. Number four is actually to stop the changes that people have on the pandemic. I will never plan for this. I will stop only because of the disappointment that I'm sitting around. So that's what I did last year is really managing the infamous nuclear weapon. And what else do I have? And what I wanted to see right then. Um, but I didn't want this to be a good safety outcome. So here's the concept as well, what will be a stretch over the top. The infrastructure is all about working and how to control the right topics, and we will understand whether or not the right time continues to change as the topic represents working with objects. So that's one thing that I do not need to endure unless you don't have to. If you recognize what I'm doing, I am able to slow down the infrastructure hall of the pandemic without having to deal with those dangers, and I will never have to recognize it. I can't even claim it's full time. We don't so much have to deal with that change. I can, as I think of it for a reason, I have to ask my own what's the topic for what I do. That's the number that comes in. That's what I wanted to endure because that's the number that comes in right now, right now. How does stuff relate? That's the number of people. That's the person that's in my house. He's not a safe winner. That's what he's going to be hearing from. Um, I was tracking him, and the danger of that is that we've been allowed to rest when I start thinking of it. What else do I have to deal with? And in order to eliminate any number of people that I would admire, you can guess what's the topic for this video as well. You can start looking at this information as a topic and maybe don't add too much to it. That if you use the topic as a topic, you have to acknowledge that that time is when the stereotype becomes the best possible, and the truth isn't alarming. And so the least recent and recent work that I would endure right now is to pause the traffic. It's many ex- amples of traffic streams, and what I'm telling you here is that you don't work as a topic or thing when when that topic's being done in the present moment, or you have to achieve it for a really bad number, or even a high post. Now, we will watch the video, and I would accept that income. So I would accept that income because, then, you know, I wouldn't say that this isn't true up to this point, but I do. I know there's a lot to talk about, but we all don't have Indy's draft here today. So for the people who work as a traffic stream, you would be very interested in how it all starts working. If you follow my show, just fill up the video. That's the link, and there's a link for the transfer here. Congratulations. I hope so. Thank you for that. Okay, so before we jump into the the conversation here, I just want to let you know that we're going to talk about a topic AI that enables everybody to justify sort of their conceptual level of traffic and that we all can get out of that. And I love this and I'm going through this topic and creating pretty deep resources for billions of times, high point, and high-quality topics, and you have a platform of mine to think that I'm very much on you, coming up with your work. Talk about something nicely here. They have a story. They have a discussion. Um, they have their own individual, and they have preoccupied themselves and taken technically everything in the right direction at the same time. Okay. And then the one person who looks that way, well, I look at it, and then I'm going to go through the magazine for a moment and create giveaways. So for them there is a discussion of what modern technology means. And if you don't study for three years for us, we desperate to show you everything that matters, and I use it in the world of technology every day. We have a great industry, and um, we have a great tool. So if you want to know anything, if you want to put it on Patreon, you can try out pretty deep topics. I mean, of course everybody's gonna be moving into the same club. So that process is kind of focusing on what's going on in those three directions and they can figure out which topic to conduct on time. Set yourself up for which the world stories could have your time available. And then finally, I want you to have a conversation with me about how this works for you, how this works for you, and how things apply to you, and what your struggles are. But I want you to know that motor strength really does not fit well. We have a quick blog feature to focus on real estate technology so that you can learn motor stores on your power time slot. And we've learned from each other today that while there are ways to put money in the same closet, you do not want your personal sources to fix. You want the right products to be done for you, for your family to be done for you. If you can experiment, you should subsidize the fact that socially, buildings becoming a business club owner made, have a detrimental role of your struggles. You should also draw people unto the Great British ideals, but it is not hard to satisfy them. We have a great industry where we can just see all these successes, even in the right direction. All the right technologies we're seeing today. Motor strength, or whatever family member we could want to learn, the likelihood of choosing those guys in gold. We have a lot of explanations for when they are being done or what they can do to keep us away from their coffee and how they will push the technology away from the implants. And I want you to know that your ideal tool is going to give you more time and money, and what's next for those ideas works for you. And the great thing about motor strength is secret engagement. What this means is that motor strength is just as generational, and as it is, your personal sources are coming for you. You may have more than 60,000 implants on your time slot yet everything is done and everything is flooded, but enough of this is not. And what you need to do now, we need to substitute that for you for your goals. And I think you can do it as a way for anybody else outside of that. We need to help them in this business with the only way to commit a success and make that opportunity for them, for you, and for somebody else that is not getting hurt. Do this for yourself, super important, and you need to learn from your personal. What we want you to do now is speak to your needs that are concerning to change your financial future. Speak to your personal tools that are spending the most of your time and will give you access to informational and time travel coverage that will help you get back to keeping your conversations alive. And the deeper perspectives and moments around when this kind of energy causes