Tour of WGSL

Fixed-Size Arrays

A fixed-size array type is declared as array<T,N> , where T is the element type (with some restrictions), and N is the element count.

In most cases N is a const-expression.

There is one exception to this rule: When the array is used as the type of a workgroup variable, N can be an override-expression. That means the array size can be adjusted at pipeline-creation time. It’s still “fixed” before the shader executes.

array<f32,5>A 5-element array of f32.
array<array<f32,4>,8>An array of 8 arrays of 4 f32’s.
array<S,c>An array of c elements of type S. Here c must be const-declared.
array<i32,4*blockSize>An array of i32 with 4 * blockSize elements. Here blockSize must be const-declared.

With the one exception above, fixed-size array values can be used like other plain values, for example:

  • in an expression,
  • passed as a function argument,
  • returned from a function,
  • assigned to a variable, or
  • used as the initializer for a variable or declared value.