
Firmware Transparency demo design

This doc gives an overview of the design for this Firmware Transparency (FT) demo.

Threat model

  1. Insider risk: An attacker has privileged control over what gets built into firmware images, or is able to leverage/coerce action from legitimate employees.
  2. Subvert code-review process (force push) No access to firmware signing key, but can attempt to quietly modify the source tree. Notes:
    • should be visible with code-review enforcement, commit audit etc.
    • FT enables impact to be known (how many, and which builds were affected)
  3. Build firmware from patched tree Able to modify source tree prior to build pipeline, no direct access to firmware signing key, but pipeline will result in signed firmware. Notes:
    • Patched builds must be logged, or they are useless.
    • FT enables discoverability for automatic detection if reproducible builds are possible, and manual forensic inspection if not. Either way, evidence is publicly available.
  4. Full control of signing key. Able to sign arbitrary firmware images outside of any existing controls or audit.
  5. External/down-stream supply chain: This group of attacks is mostly mitigated through the use of signed firmware.
  6. Compromised firmware download server (e.g. CDN) Can replace/modify firmware update files made available for download/ distribution.
    • DoS/block updates
    • Rollbacks
  7. On-path adversary for firmware downloads Can intercept and modify firmware update downloads.
  8. Device-local risk
  9. Compromised local-machine used to update device firmware Attacker can modify downloaded firmware update files, and run arbitrary code on local machine used to update firmware on target device.
    • Can DoS/block updates
    • Rollback updates?
  10. Physical access to low-level interfaces on target device Attacker has arbitrary access to the device whose firmware is to be updated.
  11. TODO(al): flesh this out.

Claimant Model

To help reason about the security properties of the demo system, we’ll frame the problem in terms of the claimant model.


All firmware metadata & image bytes are publicly available. For now, we’ll keep things simple and assume that firmware is made freely available by the vendor.


This model builds in the idea of a firmware manifest file while commits to the contents of the firmware image along with some metadata.


SystemFIRMWARE talks only about the claims inherent in the signature over the firmware made by the firmware vendor.


SystemFIRMWARE_LOG talks only about the claims made by the log operator(s), and is the basis for providing discoverability into SystemFIRMWARE above.


The design for the demo consists of a number of different entities which play the roles described in the claimant model above, these are shown in the following diagram:


Diagram source @startuml overview !include ./diagrams/puml/style.puml package "FT Log" #LOG_COLOUR_4 { FA5_SERVER(personality,FT Personality,rectangle,LOG_COLOUR_0) #LOG_COLOUR_2 FA5_FILE(cas,Firmware\nImages,database,LOG_COLOUR_0) #LOG_COLOUR_2 personality -right-> cas package "Trillian" #LOG_COLOUR_3 { FA5_SITEMAP(log,Log,rectangle,LOG_COLOUR_0) #LOG_COLOUR_1 FA5_FILE(metadata,Firmware\nmetadata,database,LOG_COLOUR_0) #LOG_COLOUR_1 log -right-> metadata } personality -down-> log } package "Firmware Vendor" #VENDOR_COLOUR_2 { FA5_USER_TIE(publisher,Firmware Publisher,rectangle,VENDOR_COLOUR_0) #VENDOR_COLOUR_1 FA5_EYE(vendor_monitor,Firmware Vendor Monitor,rectangle,VENDOR_COLOUR_0) #VENDOR_COLOUR_1 publisher -right--> personality: Publish firmware vendor_monitor -right----> personality: Observe firmware } package "Device" #DEVICE_COLOUR_2 { FA5_COGS(update,Update client,rectangle,DEVICE_COLOUR_0) #DEVICE_COLOUR_1 FA5_MOBILE_ALT(device,Device,rectangle,DEVICE_COLOUR_0) #DEVICE_COLOUR_1 update -down-> device: Update update -right----> personality: Verify consistency } package "Observers" #OBS_COLOUR_2 { FA5_EYE(monitor,FT Monitor,rectangle,OBS_COLOUR_0) #OBS_COLOUR_1 monitor -down----> personality: Observe firmware } publisher -[dotted]----> update: Update available @enduml

For clarity, the mapping of actors to the claimant model roles, along with software provided by the demo used to fulfil those roles, are listed explicitly here:

Firmware vendor:

Uses the publisher to publish firmware metadata & images to the log, and create an “OTA” update bundle:

Also uses the ft_monitor to check for unexpected firmware apparently issued by the vendor, so additionally plays the following roles:

Update client:

Uses the flash_tool to verify and install the update bundle provided by the vendor onto the device.

Target device (toaster):

Device implementations:

These implementation rely on most of the same verification logic as the flash_tool to verify the proofs stored alongside the firmware in the device.


Uses the ft_personality along with Trillian to provide the discoverability that Firmware Transparency leverages.

STH Witness:

May use the ft_witness to support verification of log operator, by enabling detection of log split views.

Interested Observers:

Use the ft_monitor to both verify the log operator’s claims, and support verification of the firmware vendor claims.

There are no Arbiters in the demo.


For the purposes of the demo, the “on device” enforcement will be implemented at the bootloader level. Clearly, in a production system we’d expect to see this enforcement implemented inside mask ROM, or some other similarly secure location, however for the purpose of demonstrating the required functionality the bootloader will serve well enough.