This is a basic example of how to use Trillian to implement the operations needed for a verifiable log. This means providing instantiations for two different actors:
This example intentionally avoids defining any interface between the client and personality, leaving only the gRPC interface between the personality and the (Trillian) log. In a real deployment it would be necessary to define an interface between the client and the personality, for example a RESTful API or gRPC.
In order to run the tests, it is necessary to first have a Trillian log running. Follow one of the two steps below:
Set up MySQL or MariaDB using MySQL setup. Then, in one terminal, run the following commands:
go run --rpc_endpoint="localhost:50054" --http_endpoint="localhost:50055" &
go run --sequencer_interval="1s" --batch_size=500 --rpc_endpoint="localhost:50056" --http_endpoint="localhost:50057" --num_sequencers=1 --force_master &
# Trillian services are now running
export TREE_ID=$(go run --admin_server=localhost:50054)
docker compose up -d
# Wait a second for MySQL to start up between these commands
curl | docker exec -i helloworld-db-1 mysql -pzaphod -Dtest
After setting up the trillian environment using the Manual or Docker instructions:
Now, in another terminal run go build
and then go test --tree_id=${TREE_ID}
This runs three tests.
ensures that checkpoints update properly on the
personality side when new entries are appended to the log.TestUpdate
ensures that these updated checkpoints can be accepted by the
client, after they are proved consistent with previous checkpoints.TestIncl
ensures that the client can be convinced about whether or not
entries are in the log.