Truth FAQ

  1. How do I use Truth with the Java 8 types?
  2. Why do I get a “cannot find symbol .comparingExpectedFieldsOnly();” error for a type that should have comparingExpectedFieldsOnly?
  3. What if I have an import conflict with another assertThat() method?
  4. Referencing a Truth subject directly is generally an anti-pattern
  5. When writing my own Truth extension, how should I name my assertion methods?
  6. What’s the difference between containsAtLeast and containsExactly for iterables?
  7. Does it matter if I write assertThat(a).isEqualTo(b) or assertThat(b).isEqualTo(a)?
  8. How do I compare floating point numbers with Truth?
  9. How do I assert on the contents of an Iterable using something other than equality of the elements?
  10. How is this different than JUnit, Hamcrest, Fest, AssertJ, etc.?
  11. How do I write my own Truth subject for my own type?
  12. How do I specify a custom message/failure behavior/Subject type?
  13. Any other questions?

How do I use Truth with the Java 8 types?

Assertions on Java 8 types are available through overloads of Truth.assertThat, as well as overloads of the that method used in chains like assertWithMessage(...).that(stream).isEmpty().

This also means that you no longer need a dependency on

Assertions about other types (like protobuf types) still sometimes require that you use the full fluent chain.

Why do I get a “cannot find symbol .comparingExpectedFieldsOnly();” error for a type that should have comparingExpectedFieldsOnly?

You need to static import the assertThat method for that type. (In this example, you probably need to import ProtoTruth.assertThat.)

The error you’re seeing is telling you that comparingExpectedFieldsOnly doesn’t exist on the base Subject class, the one returned when you pass a type that Truth doesn’t recognize to Truth.assertThat. Once you import the assertThat method that you want, your call will resolve to that method, and you’ll have an instance of the type with the method you’re looking for.

What if I have an import conflict with another assertThat() method?

In most cases, you can static import both methods, and the compiler will select the right one for each call.

If not, you can use one of the methods without static import.

Also, note that if you define a method inside your test class named assertThat, you will NOT be able to static import Truth.assertThat. Similarly, if you extend org.junit.Assert (to avoid needing to static import JUnit’s individual assertion methods), you also will not be able to use Truth with a static import (because Assert declares a method named assertThat). This is an anti-pattern anyways.

Referencing a Truth subject directly is generally an anti-pattern

If you find yourself referencing a Truth subject type, there’s a good chance that there’s a cleaner way to write your code. For example, we’ve often see folks write test helper methods like this:

// Please don't do this!
private static BooleanSubject assertThatBooleanWpcs(
    WebProperty webProperty, WebPropertyChannelSetting.Key key) {
  return assertThat(
          /* channel */ null, key, /* inherit */ true, /* useDefault */ false));

Then in their tests, they call their helper method and chain .isTrue() or .isFalse() onto the end of it. E.g.,

// Please don't do this!
assertThatBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_GENERAL_CATEGORY_FILTERING).isTrue();
assertThatBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_FILTERING).isFalse();

In general, please avoid helper methods that return Truth subjects.

Instead, return the object under test from your helper method:

private static boolean getBooleanWpcs(
    WebProperty webProperty, WebPropertyChannelSetting.Key key) {
  return webProperty.getBooleanWebPropertyChannelSetting(
      /* channel */ null, key, /* inherit */ true, /* useDefault */ false);

…and then in your tests, call your helper method inside assertThat(...):

assertThat(getBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_GENERAL_CATEGORY_FILTERING)).isTrue();
assertThat(getBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_FILTERING)).isFalse();

…or even go one step further and extract the object-under-test into a local variable:

boolean generalCategoryFilter = getBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_GENERAL_CATEGORY_FILTERING);

boolean categoryFilter = getBooleanWpcs(primaryProperty, PUBLISHER_CATEGORY_FILTERING);

A tell-tale sign that you might be violating this anti-pattern is if you’re importing a built-in Truth subject (e.g., import Instead of passing a Truth subject around, you should be passing your object-under-test.

Note that this is just a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. If you’re including a failure message or configuring parameters on a subject (e.g. ProtoSubject), then this may be an acceptable pattern.

Still, there are advantages to direct assertions over methods that return a Subject – and over helper methods that create a Subject and perform assertions without returning it. Here are some advantages of direct assertions over various kinds of wrapping:

  • Truth can more often generate a useful “value of” line.
  • The components of the assertion (e.g., button.getText(), contains, and OK) are likely to appear near one other in code (and in the usual order).
  • Existing static analysis is more likely to detect bugs.
  • The “act” and “assert” phases of a test are easier to keep separate.

When writing my own Truth extension, how should I name my assertion methods?

  • If you’re checking a property (e.g., name), use a has prefix (e.g., hasName(String name)).
  • If you’re testing a state (e.g., isCeo), use a is prefix (e.g., isCeo() and isNotCeo()). Alternatively, you may wish to provide a single isCeo(boolean isCeo) method instead of writing two methods (however, this will generally make your statements slightly less readable).
  • If you’re returning a new subject for a property of the instance under test, do not use a prefix (e.g., use name() for a method on EmployeeSubject that returns a StringSubject: assertThat(employee).name().startsWith(...)).
  • When in doubt, prefer method names that make the assertion statements “sound natural”.

What’s the difference between containsAtLeast and containsExactly for iterables?

containsAtLeast asserts that the iterable contains at least the expected elements.

containsExactly asserts that the iterable contains all of the expected elements and nothing else.

For example:

ImmutableList<String> abc = ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c");

assertThat(abc).containsAtLeast("a", "b", "c"); // passes
assertThat(abc).containsExactly("a", "b", "c"); // passes

assertThat(abc).containsAtLeast("a", "b");      // passes
assertThat(abc).containsExactly("a", "b");      // fails

Also note that both of the methods are order-independent assertions. If you want order to be checked, you must chain .inOrder() onto the end of your assertion. For example:

ImmutableList<String> abc = ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c");

assertThat(abc).containsAtLeast("c", "a", "b");           // passes
assertThat(abc).containsExactly("c", "a", "b");           // passes

assertThat(abc).containsAtLeast("a", "b").inOrder();      // passes

assertThat(abc).containsAtLeast("c", "a", "b").inOrder(); // fails
assertThat(abc).containsExactly("c", "a", "b").inOrder(); // fails

Does it matter if I write assertThat(a).isEqualTo(b) or assertThat(b).isEqualTo(a)?

Yes! Truth’s error messages will make more sense if you always use this pattern:


In most cases, the actual value will be a call to the code under test and the expected value will be a literal value or a constant. For example:

assertThat(user.getId()).isEqualTo(42);      // literal value
assertThat(user.getId()).isEqualTo(USER_ID); // constant value

Please do not write the above assertion as


Here’s another example of two ways to write an assertion:

assertThat(ImmutableList.of("red", "white", "blue")).contains(user.getFavoriteColor()); // BAD
assertThat(user.getFavoriteColor()).isAnyOf("red", "white", "blue");                    // GOOD

You should always use the latter instead of the former.

Tip: Any time you see a literal value or constant inside the assertThat call, you should stop and try to write the inverse assertion.

How do I compare floating point numbers with Truth?

See the floating point comparisons. For example:


How do I assert on the contents of an Iterable using something other than equality of the elements?

See the “Fuzzy Truth” page.

How is this different than JUnit, Hamcrest, Fest, AssertJ, etc.?

See the comparison page.

How do I write my own Truth subject for my own type?

See the extension page.

How do I specify a custom message/failure behavior/Subject type?

While you can usually call assertThat, advanced features require you to write a longer chain of calls. We’ll cover the most common shortcuts first, then the general case, and finally the less common shortcuts.

No custom parameters: The simplest case is an assertion with no message on a type that Truth supports natively. There, you can use assertThat:

import static;

Extension Subject only: most external Subject types provide an assertThat overload you can import (and one should be added if it’s missing):

import static;

Custom message only: Use assertWithMessage. As you’ll see later, assertWithMessage is the entry point to use almost any time you want a custom message.

import static;
assertWithMessage("findClosestMatch should have found user with given username")

The general case: Once you’ve learned the common cases above, the easiest way to learn the rest is to learn the full call chain. Even shortcuts like assertThat are implemented using that chain. It looks like this:

import static;
expect // set what to do upon failure (that is, the FailureStrategy)
    .withMessage("findClosestMatch should have found user with given username") // set message
    .about(employees()) // set the type of value to test. The parameter is a Subject.Factory
    .that(db.findClosestMatch("kak")) // set the actual value under test

If you’re curious why we chose that order, you can read this design doc. But most users will just be interested in the shortcuts:

Custom message and extension Subject: assertWithMessage(...).about(...).that(...)

Custom failure behavior: expect.that(...)

For a list of built-in behaviors, see the docs on FailureStrategy.

Custom failure behavior and custom message: expect.withMessage(...).that(...)

Custom failure behavior and extension Subject: expect.about(...).that(...)

Custom Subject that doesn’t expose an assertThat shortcut: assertAbout(...).that(...)

Any other questions?

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