Quick start

Please open an issue if a step doesn't work.

Repository setup

Local machine

Clone the repository and run the setup script1:

git clone https://github.com/google/wasefire
cd wasefire

Github codespace

Run an applet

Depending on your hardware, you can run the hello applet with:

  • cargo xtask applet rust hello runner nordic to run on an nRF52840 dev-kit.
  • cargo xtask applet rust hello runner host to run on your desktop.
  • cargo xtask applet rust hello runner host --web to run on your desktop with a web UI.

The general format is cargo xtask applet LANGUAGE NAME runner BOARD. Example applets are listed in the examples directory by language then name. Boards are listed under the crates directory and are prefixed by runner-. You can find more details using cargo xtask help.

Feel free to stop and play around by directly editing the examples. Or continue reading for a deeper tutorial on how to write applets in Rust.


The setup script is best effort and is only meant for Unix systems so far. On Debian-based Linux systems, the script will directly invoke installation commands, possibly asking for sudo password. On other systems, the script will return an error and print a message each time a binary or library must be installed. Once the package is installed, the script must be run again. The script will eventually print nothing and return a success code indicating that no manual step is required and everything seems in order.