Google APIs Client Library for C++ A C++ library for client applications to access Google APIs.
Understanding the Scope

This document provides an overview of the scope of activities covered by Google APIs Client Library for C++ and the part of the product where the activity occurs. This may help you understand the gist of what the product offers, what it can be used for, and where to learn more about those capabilities. For purposes of brevity, this document refers to APIs for cloud services, including Google APIs, and Cloud Endpoints collectively as cloud APIs.

See the documents:

Using Cloud Services Work with cloud services at a high level of abstraction using APIs customized for individual services and interaction patterns.
Sending HTTP Requests Interact with web servers by making explicit HTTP requests. These may be services or traditional web servers. You can also use these lower level interface to inject new behaviors and technologies, making them available to the higher level abstractions.
Using Credentials Gain access to protected services and data using Credentials.
Working with Data Work with and exchange data using common patterns and components throughout the SDK.
Working with C++ The Google APIs Client Library for C++ has certain patterns and styles that are used repeatedly throughout the SDK.