Google APIs Client Library for C++ A C++ library for client applications to access Google APIs.
Available Specialized Service APIs

The Google APIs Client Library for C++ provides custom service APIs for most Google Cloud APIs and Services. The following table provides links to the the latest versions. These downloads provide source code built on top of the classes and libraries provided in this SDK.

If you download the C++ libraries and unzip them into the service_apis directory at the root of the source installation for this SDK then the default build scripts will automatically build them. If you are using the CMake for prototyping then add a line to your CMakeLists.txt file saying:
where apiname is the name of the unzipped directory.

If you download the C++ libraries and unzip them into the service_apis directory at the root of the source installation for this SDK then the default build scripts will automatically build them. If you are using the CMake for prototyping then add a line to your CMakeLists.txt file saying:
where apiname is the name of the unzipped directory.

The Service API column links to the official service documentation. The C++ Docs column links to online doxygen documentation for the specialized C++ API for using that service with this SDK. The C++ Download column will download the source code for that library which you can compile and link against this SDK.

Service APIC++ DocsC++ Download
Ad Exchange Buyer APIadexchangebuyer (html)adexchangebuyer
Ad Exchange Seller APIadexchangeseller (html)adexchangeseller
Admin Reports APIadmin (html)admin
AdSense Management APIadsense (html)adsense
AdSense Host APIadsensehost (html)adsensehost
Google Analytics APIanalytics (html)analytics
Google Play EMM APIandroidenterprise (html)androidenterprise
Google Play Developer APIandroidpublisher (html)androidpublisher
Google App Engine Admin APIappengine (html)appengine
Google Apps Activity APIappsactivity (html)appsactivity
Google App State APIappstate (html)appstate
Google Compute Engine Autoscaler APIautoscaler (html)autoscaler
BigQuery APIbigquery (html)bigquery
Blogger APIblogger (html)blogger
Books APIbooks (html)books
Calendar APIcalendar (html)calendar
Google Civic Information APIcivicinfo (html)civicinfo
Google Classroom APIclassroom (html)classroom
Google Cloud Billing APIcloudbilling (html)cloudbilling
Google Cloud Debugger APIclouddebugger (html)clouddebugger
Google Cloud Network Performance Monitoring APIcloudlatencytest (html)cloudlatencytest
Cloud Monitoring APIcloudmonitoring (html)cloudmonitoring
Google Cloud Resource Manager APIcloudresourcemanager (html)cloudresourcemanager
Cloud User Accounts APIclouduseraccounts (html)clouduseraccounts
Compute Engine APIcompute (html)compute
Google Container Engine APIcontainer (html)container
Content API for Shoppingcontent (html)content
Google Maps Coordinate APIcoordinate (html)coordinate
CustomSearch APIcustomsearch (html)customsearch
Google Dataflow APIdataflow (html)dataflow
Google Cloud Datastore APIdatastore (html)datastore
Google Cloud Deployment Manager APIdeploymentmanager (html)deploymentmanager
DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking APIdfareporting (html)dfareporting
APIs Discovery Servicediscovery (html)discovery
Google Cloud DNS APIdns (html)dns
DoubleClick Bid Manager APIdoubleclickbidmanager (html)doubleclickbidmanager
DoubleClick Search APIdoubleclicksearch (html)doubleclicksearch
Drive APIdrive (html)drive
Fitnessfitness (html)fitness
Freebase Searchfreebase (html)freebase
Fusion Tables APIfusiontables (html)fusiontables
Google Play Game Services APIgames (html)games
Google Play Game Services Publishing APIgamesConfiguration (html)gamesConfiguration
Google Play Game Services Management APIgamesManagement (html)gamesManagement
Google Affiliate Network APIgan (html)gan
Genomics APIgenomics (html)genomics
Gmail APIgmail (html)gmail
Groups Migration APIgroupsmigration (html)groupsmigration
Groups Settings APIgroupssettings (html)groupssettings
Google Identity Toolkit APIidentitytoolkit (html)identitytoolkit
Enterprise License Manager APIlicensing (html)licensing
Google Cloud Logging APIlogging (html)logging
Deployment Manager APImanager (html)manager
Google Maps Engine APImapsengine (html)mapsengine
Google Mirror APImirror (html)mirror
Google OAuth2 APIoauth2 (html)oauth2
PageSpeed Insights APIpagespeedonline (html)pagespeedonline
Google Partners APIpartners (html)partners
Google Play Movies Partner APIplaymoviespartner (html)playmoviespartner
Google+ APIplus (html)plus
Google+ Domains APIplusDomains (html)plusDomains
Prediction APIprediction (html)prediction
Google Proximity Beacon APIproximitybeacon (html)proximitybeacon
Google Cloud Pub/Sub APIpubsub (html)pubsub
QPX Express APIqpxExpress (html)qpxExpress
Google Compute Engine Instance Group Manager APIreplicapool (html)replicapool
Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater APIreplicapoolupdater (html)replicapoolupdater
Enterprise Apps Reseller APIreseller (html)reseller
Google Compute Engine Instance Groups APIresourceviews (html)resourceviews
Google Site Verification APIsiteVerification (html)siteVerification
Google Spectrum Database APIspectrum (html)spectrum
Cloud SQL Administration APIsqladmin (html)sqladmin
Cloud Storage APIstorage (html)storage
Google Storage Transfer APIstoragetransfer (html)storagetransfer
Tag Manager APItagmanager (html)tagmanager
TaskQueue APItaskqueue (html)taskqueue
Tasks APItasks (html)tasks
Translate APItranslate (html)translate
URL Shortener APIurlshortener (html)urlshortener
Google Fonts Developer APIwebfonts (html)webfonts
Webmaster Tools APIwebmasters (html)webmasters
YouTube Data APIyoutube (html)youtube
YouTube Analytics APIyoutubeAnalytics (html)youtubeAnalytics