Google APIs Client Library for C++
AbstractWebServer | A minimal abstract interface for embedded webservers |
AuthorizationCredential | The abstraction used to pass credentials also contains knowledge about how to use the credentials to authorize requests |
Base64Codec | Provdes a codec for encoding and decoding reader streams using Base64 |
Base64CodecFactory | CodecFactory for creating and configuring Base64Codecs |
BaseServiceRequestPager | Base class for component that pages through REST results |
ClientService | Base class for denoting a cloud service |
ClientServiceRequest | Base class for requests made to a ClientService |
Codec | Provides an interface for encoding and decoding data |
CodecFactory | A factory for creating Codec instances |
CodecReader | A helper class for implementing CodecReaders |
CredentialStore | Base class for a data store of persisted credentials |
CredentialStoreFactory | Creates a CredentialStore |
CurlHttpTransport | A concrete HttpTransport that is implemented using the open source CURL library |
CurlHttpTransportFactory | Factory for creating CurlHttpTransport instances |
DataReader | Interface for reading from an asynchronous binary data stream |
DataWriter | Interface for writing into synchronous binary data stream |
DateTime | Represents a date convertable among various standard date represenations including RFC 3339 used by JSON encodings |
EncapsulatedServiceRequestPager< REQUEST, DATA > | A ServiceRequestPager that owns the request and data objects |
HttpEntryScribe::Entry | |
Executor | |
FileCredentialStoreFactory | A concrete CredentialStore that writes to files |
HtmlScribe | Specialized HttpScribe that produces HTML transcripts |
HttpEntryScribe | A high level but still abstract class for intercepting HTTP requests |
HttpRequest | Denotes an HTTP request to be sent to an HTTP server |
HttpRequestOptions | Specifies per-request options that control its behavior |
HttpRequestState | Denotes the current state of an HttpRequest's lifecycel |
HttpResponse | Captures the response from HttpRequest invocations |
HttpScribe | Base class for scribe to log HTTP message activity |
HttpScribeCensor | Determines what is appropriate for scribes to record |
HttpStatusCode | This is a helper class for interpreting standard HTTP status codes |
HttpTransport | Abstract interface defining an HTTP transport will be specialized for different concrete mechanisms for interacting with HTTP servers |
HttpTransportErrorHandler | Forward declaration |
HttpTransportFactory | Abstract interface for creating concrete HttpTransport instances |
HttpTransportLayerConfig | Specifies the implementation components for the TransportLayer |
HttpTransportOptions | Configures options on an HttpTransport instanceEach HttpTransport instance maintains its own options however typically the default options are set on the HttpTransportFactory so that the options will apply to all transport instances |
HttpTransportTestFixture | Namespace client |
JsonCppAbstractIterator< DATA, ITERATOR > | A helper class for index or key-based iterators |
JsonCppArray< T > | Base class template for a JsonCppData object that is an array |
JsonCppAssociativeArray< T > | Denotes an associative array from string to values of type T |
JsonCppCapsule< BASE > | Helper class for constructing new top-level JsonCppData instances |
JsonCppConstAssociativeIterator< T > | Iterator for JsonCppDataAssociativeArray |
JsonCppConstIndexIterator< T > | Iterator for index-based JsonCppDataArray |
JsonCppData | Base class for data objects using JsonCpp for underlying state |
JsonCppDictionary | Denotes a JsonCppData instance that is a dictionary |
JsonPlaybackTransport | A fake transport that plays back from a JSON scribed transcript |
JsonPlaybackTransportFactory | A transport factory for creating JsonPlaybackTransport |
JsonScribe | Specialized HttpScribe that produces JSON transcripts |
MediaUploader | Uploader for using Google media upload protocols |
MediaUploadSpec | Specifie the media upload interface for an endpoint |
MockAuthorizationCredential | Mock authorization credential for testing with GMock |
MockHttpRequest | Mock http request for testing GMock |
MockHttpTransport | Mock http request for testing GMock |
MockHttpTransportErrorHandler | Mock transport error handler for testing with GMock |
MockHttpTransportFactory | Mock http transport factory for testing GMock |
MongooseWebServer | Provides a web server for samples and testing |
OAuth2AuthorizationFlow | Mediates interaction with the user, client and an OAuth 2.0 server to obtain credentials for accessing protected resources |
OAuth2ClientSpec | A data object containing specifying the client information to present to the OAuth 2.0 server |
OAuth2Credential | Specifies an OAuth 2.0 Credential |
OAuth2ExchangeAuthorizationCodeRequest | A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for turning an authorization code into access and refresh tokens |
OAuth2InstalledApplicationFlow | Manages credentials using OAuth 2.0 installed application flow |
OAuth2PendingAuthorizations< CALLBACK > | Manages callbacks for outstanding authorization code requests |
OAuth2RefreshTokenRequest | A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for obtaining a new access token from a refresh token |
OAuth2RequestOptions | Options for overriding the default attributes in an OAuth2AuthorizationFlow when making OAuth2TokenRequests |
OAuth2RevokeTokenRequest | A concrete OAuth2TokenRequest for revoking access and refresh tokens |
OAuth2TokenRequest | The base class for token-related requests made to an OAuth 2.0 server |
OAuth2WebApplicationFlow | Manages credentials using OAuth 2.0 web application flow |
OpenSslCodec | Provdes a codec for encrypting and decrypting reader streams using OpenSSL |
OpenSslCodecFactory | CodecFactory for creating and configuring OpenSslCodecs |
ParsedUrl | Parses a url as described in 2.4 of RFC 1808 |
RequestHeaderLess | Comparator for using headers in standard template library collections |
SensitiveFileUtils | Helper functions for managing sensitive files |
SerializableJson | An abstract interface for data objects used to denote JSON compatability |
ServiceRequestPager< REQUEST, DATA > | A pager over referenced REST APIs having a standard paging interface |
Status | Namespace error |
ThreadsafePrimitive< T > | For internal use only |
ThreadsafeString | Implements a threadsafe string |
UriTemplate | Provides the ability to produce concrete URLs from templated ones |
VersionInfo | |
WebServerAuthorizationCodeGetter | An adapter to use webserver with OAuth2AuthorizationFlows |
WebServerRequest | Abstract class for invocations into the AbstractWebServerThis is different from the HttpRequest class in the transport layer which are client-side requests |
WebServerResponse | Abstract class for responses to WebServerRequests into the AbstractWebServerThis is different from the HttpResponse class in the transport layer which are client-side responses |