Class TypeToken.TypeSet

  extended by
      extended by<E>
          extended by<TypeToken<? super T>>
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<TypeToken<? super T>>, Collection<TypeToken<? super T>>, Set<TypeToken<? super T>>
Enclosing class:

public class TypeToken.TypeSet
extends ForwardingSet<TypeToken<? super T>>
implements Serializable

The set of interfaces and classes that T is or is a subtype of. Object is not included in the set if this type is an interface.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 TypeToken.TypeSet classes()
          Returns the types that are classes.
protected  Set<TypeToken<? super T>> delegate()
          Returns the backing delegate instance that methods are forwarded to.
 TypeToken.TypeSet interfaces()
          Returns the types that are interfaces implemented by this type.
 Set<Class<? super T>> rawTypes()
          Returns the raw types of the types in this set, in the same order.
Methods inherited from class
equals, hashCode, standardEquals, standardHashCode, standardRemoveAll
Methods inherited from class
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, standardAddAll, standardClear, standardContains, standardContainsAll, standardIsEmpty, standardRemove, standardRetainAll, standardToArray, standardToArray, standardToString, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray

Method Detail


public TypeToken.TypeSet interfaces()
Returns the types that are interfaces implemented by this type.


public TypeToken.TypeSet classes()
Returns the types that are classes.


protected Set<TypeToken<? super T>> delegate()
Description copied from class: ForwardingObject
Returns the backing delegate instance that methods are forwarded to. Abstract subclasses generally override this method with an abstract method that has a more specific return type, such as ForwardingSet.delegate(). Concrete subclasses override this method to supply the instance being decorated.

Specified by:
delegate in class ForwardingSet<TypeToken<? super T>>


public final Set<Class<? super T>> rawTypes()
Returns the raw types of the types in this set, in the same order.

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