Pie Noon
An open source project by FPL.
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Building for Android

Version Requirements

Following are the minimum tested versions for the tools and libraries you need for building Pie Noon for Android:

Before Building

Set up Google Play Games Services

Optionally, to use the Google Play Games Services features in the game, follow the steps below to set up Google Play Games Services IDs:

  • Create an App ID with new package name in the Google Play Developer Console.
    • Replace app_id with the newly created one in res/values/strings.xml.
    • Update the package name in AndroidManifest.xml and java files.
      • For example, rename com.google.fpl.pie_noon to com.mystudio.coolgame.
  • Create 5 achievement IDs and 14 leaderboards in the Google Play Developer Console.
    • Replace Google Play Games IDs in pie_noon_game.cpp (achievements[] and gpg_ids[]).


The Pie Noon project has an AndroidManifest.xml file which contains details about how to build an Android package (apk).

To build the project:

For example:

cd pie_noon
./dependencies/fplutil/bin/build_all_android -E dependencies jni/libs

Installing and Running the Game.

build_all_android can also be used to install and run the game on a device. You will need to add several flags to the command line: -S, -i, and -r will tell it to sign, install, and run the generated APK, respectively.

For example:

cd pie_noon
./dependencies/fplutil/bin/build_all_android -E dependencies jni/libs -i -r -S

If you have multiple android devices connected to your workstation, you will also need to specify which one you want to deploy to. Running adb devices returns a list of all connected devices and serial numbers, and you can specify the serial number of the device you want to deploy to via the optional -d flag.

For more information, see Working with Multiple Devices.