

Shvetank Prakash is a 1st year Ph.D. student in computer science at Harvard University. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Columbia University in 2021. Some of his previous work has contributed to machine learning benchmarks and developing programmable accelerators for ultra-low power ML (tinyML).
Tim Callahan works at Google with the open source FPGA toolchain (SymbiFlow) team. His work is to help make FPGA development more accessible, fun, and rewarding. He has degrees from UC Berkeley, Cambridge University, and the University of Minnesota.
Colby is a 3rd year Ph.D. student in computer science at Harvard University. His work focuses on cross stack optimization of tinyML systems. He is the former co-chair of the MLPerf Tiny benchmark suite.
Michael Gielda is a co-founder of the AntMicro Team.
Pete Warden is currently a Ph.D. student at Stanford University and former lead of Google's Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers Team.
Alan V. Green is a member of Google's ChromeOS team and leader of the HPS project.


Shvetank Prakash Tim Callahan Vijay Janapa Reddi Tim Ansell


We would like to thank others who are not speaking but have contributed significantly towards making this workshop possible! We hope we did not miss anyone and appreciate the support.

  • Kian Abbot
  • Bowen Chen
  • Moni Radev
  • Joey Bushagour